Journey to 1000 lb [OC]

    by Neat_Yogurtcloset_22


    1. This is really cool.

      Im really surprised your bench was better than your squat for a bit.

      How much do you weight?

      Also, do you consider yourself to have long arms or a shorter torso?

      People with longer arms are typically really good at deadlift due to leverage. So maybe you have normal sized arms (good for bench) with a shorter torso compared to legs?

    2. _CaptainNoodles on

      bro is mad strong but preferring chest over legs really is a common gymbro stereotype huh?

      still strong as fuck though. 99.99th percentile?

    3. I like the extra metric of sum of lifts, cool way to set extra goals. Like others, I briefly thought this was the weight of a single exercise. Congrats OP! You’re a beast

    4. Plot holes here. You’re telling me you benched 2 plates the first day you touched a barbell? Are you coming back from a layoff after previously being quite strong?

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