Donna Summer wasn’t under the bed

    by O-shi


    1. Mmmm Diana Ross opened LOTS OF DOORS. For Donna, Madonna, Janet, Whitney, Beyoncé.

      Whitney gave Diana her props, Donna said she’s a Diana Ross junkie, Madonna said Diana Ross inspired her growing up, and we all know about how much Destiny’s Child studied Diana Ross & The Supremes.

      However… Madonna did create many shifts. So yes, it’s cool to give her props for sure!

    2. redditsucks13131 on

      Billie Holiday, Anita Oday, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin and the list goes on.

    3. Janet Jackson only had a career because of Michael and now a conspiracy theorist claiming she’s the black gate keeper and disrespecting other black women to hype up convicted sexual abuser Donald Trump. Her family also support him. She’s always kissed up to white rich people. We don’t claim her. Janet forget who got her where she is. Without us she wouldn’t be crap.

    4. Dionne Warwick. Sister Miriam Thornton. Billie Holiday. Aretha Franklin.

      Katy Perry what happens when you raised away from POC AND buried in religion.

    5. I will always have a special place in my heart for Madonna, but almost nothing she did was original. She was just a “pushy broad” who ripped off Marilyn’s look and moves from club dancers (vogueing for example) and took it to the top.

    6. Maybe Katy Perry should speak for herself. Madonna certainly influenced a bunch of the pop ladies but there were pop divas before her and there would still be pop divas without her. more importantly nice to see Bjork mentioned. Bjork is, in my very biased opinion, ridiculously underrated.

    7. FFS…. There were no super successful female artists or bands before Madonna.. got it.

      Fucking Madonna was wildly successful… but not a barrier breaker. She wasn’t a trend setter, or unique. She was just really good at what she did.. Sing, dance, be sexy.. those aren’t new concepts

    8. I think the issue is how many people are simply unable to quantify their statements. A lot of people are overly comfortable with speaking in amorphous and general terms.

      I hope Ms Perry was simply ecstatic about her feelings towards Madonna and quite possibly unaware of the amazing women who came before both her and Madonna.

    9. Financial-Painter689 on

      Katy Perry, the woman who tried and failed to shad Mariah Carey, has no say in music whatsoever she can go back to making flops with her rapist friend

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