Welcome back, Gregor Strasser

    by onex7805


    1. During the early days of the German fascist history, Gregor Strasser represented the left wing of the Nazi Party. He joined the anti-communist paramilitary Freikorps, then the NSDAP, and Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch. He was responsible for gaining the party’s support from the working class.

      The Strasserists (basically Nazbols today) demanded the social revolution of Germany where ~~white Aryan~~ (((workers))) would rise and seize the means of production from the ~~non-white and Jewish~~ (((((capitalists))))) to secure the socialistic ethnostate.

      Gregor Strasser and his followers were purged during the Night of the Long Knives by Hitler, who was in favor of safeguarding the German aristocracy and privatizing the economy.

    2. Huh

      After thinking about it for a few seconds. Marxists view of capitalism is that profit is it’s only goal. Corporations definitely work for profit.

      They are marxist indeed

      That was fun, thank you, OP

    3. I always find this is the case with teens who identify as anarchists. You point out the problems with anarchy and they always roundabout reinvent the government to solve the problems without realizing it.

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