“I know nothing about Project 2025.”

    by what_eve_r


    1. Kevin Roberts the guy pictured next to convicted sexual abuser Donald Trump proudly talked about how he killed his neighbor’s dog with a shovel because it would bark. Creepy people.

    2. Enough people have talked about it that Trump saying he knows nothing about it is now him being purposefully ignorant or totally incurious about an attack against him.

      Or, of course, a blatant lie.

    3. He knows nothing yet he’s mentioned at least 312 times in the document. GTFOH!! We’re not going back!!!

    4. It’s interesting to talk about Project 2025 with conservatives.
      “Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025 and even if he did, what does it matter as it’s only fringe elements that support it and there’s nothing wrong with it to begin with.”

    5. The photo is from 2022, and Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” was written in 2023. This photo by itself does not prove that Donald Trump and Project 2025 are “inextricably linked”.

      Just an FYI: Regarding Project 2025, [Project 2025 has stated](https://x.com/Prjct2025/status/1810735701308195326) that their group is “not affiliated with former President Trump.” Even [Donald Trump himself stated](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/project-2025-trump-heritage-foundation-what-know-rcna161338), “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” So, insinuating that Project 2025 will happen if Donald Trump is elected in November really is just baseless fear-mongering.

    6. He hasn’t read it, his platform just happens to have a lot of the same policies as Project 2025, I’m sure that’s purely by coincidence.

    7. Clickityclackrack on

      Idk man, even if trump loses, they’re not going to abandon this. They’re going to push this until the end of time. Even if someone manages to fully shut it down, it’ll only get rebranded and return. How do i know? Because this nonsense comes about about every 15-20 years man.

    8. A part of me wants to believe him, because Trump is stupid enough he could have forgotten about it, but that part is very small and just likes laughing at the orange buffoon

    9. You mean to tell me Trump LIED!? The same guy who basically breaks records for # of lies told per minute, per debate? I don’t believe it.

    10. I really don’t understand people who stand by Trump because “he tells the truth”. How many proven lies does it take for them to realize he’s a pathological liar?

    11. Honestly, I doubt that he does know much about it… he’s got the attention span of a 6 year old, if they tried to explain it to him he’s probably to dumb to even understand, and he definitely didn’t read the whole 900 page plan

    12. Well, I’m DonOLD probably hasn’t read a single page since no picture or coloring parts for him to gaze at. So he’s pretty sure he doesn’t know nutthing 🤔😳👎.

    13. I mean, they were probably too busy reminiscing over their Epstein adventures to discuss Project 2025.

    14. Mundane_Primary5716 on

      The democratic politics to have you so fearful of something that will never be real its incredible.. seems to be very effective though

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