Smoothbrain economist Trump announces he will quadruple taxes on imported goods “from 50 to 200 percent”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. blandocalrissian50 on

      Well that sounds like a brilliant idea. Maybe just make every family pay you $500 a month as a you’re welcome tax!

    2. So the cost of a Trump hat will quadruple.

      Also, it’ll probably kill a lot of small business trade with the US, but that’s probably the least of the nation’s worries.

      Also also, this will no doubt tank his stock further as the last drops of faith in him slowly die out.

    3. Suspicious_Feed_7585 on

      And next year its going to ben 2 billion % taxes, its going to be so much taxes that countries going to pay us for the opportunity, no for breathing.

    4. Liberty_Bell_End on

      “Delivers remarks.” As though.

      Try, “Spews word-salad verbal-diarrhea onto crowds of bored spectators. Again.”, instead

    5. God is he stupid. We import good because we can’t make enough stuff. This will raise price on everything. Bigly.

    6. How do people not understand that a tariff is a tax levied on goods. There is no way any corporation will stomach 200% tariff without passing that cost on to the consumer.

    7. Ever since jobs in the United States moved overseas, tariffs are basically just another tax on the working class hiding behind xenophobia.

      Granted, I’m not surprised the conservative party hates the working class.

    8. His comment about 60% on electronic component tariffs a couple of weeks ago has already hurt my business. I have customers putting orders on hold till they see if he gets elected. They are considering moving factories to India and Vietnam to avoid the tariffs. This will kill American manufacturing. He has no idea how a tariff works. China won’t be paying it. Americans will. Current reporting from anti tax think tanks is this will push inflation to double digits and cut our GDP by 1.5%.

    9. LivingCustomer9729 on

      I’m no economist but wouldn’t that be **absolutely detrimental** to American consumers?

    10. Tariffs are good if it protects a specific job sector. A blanket tariff on everything is dumb especially since a lot of goods are no longer manufactured state side.

    11. Meanwhile, the MAGA collective of intellectuals: ” Yep, the danged-old math adds up. Libs are tryin’ to make Trump look stupid, on purpose! “

    12. This guy clearly doesn’t understand economy 101. Or he does and he understands the people that follow him don’t.

    13. Nopantsbullmoose on

      Jesus fuck dude. My mommy and daddy never paid for my diploma to some fancy college and even I know that’s a really stupid fucking idea.

    14. I know here are any Magas xD, but just in case there is.

      That tax is directly equivalent to a consumption tax, and de facto acts as a devaluation of your currency. Your money will lose value as a result of the rising prices of products that will inevitably increase their cost and reduce their margins, absolutely all of them need to be supplied from abroad to a greater or lesser extent, to be produced or to be able to be produced as tools etc. Not to mention that outside of that bubble, domestically manufactured products will be terribly uncompetitive against others that should not bear additional rates.

      So Magas, that man is pissing directly in your mouth, and he says it’s raining.

      Maga’s, economy grew exponentially after the Second World War because there was no real competition out there, it was literally destroyed around the world and your industry was fully developed and intact and many countries were demanding your manufactured exports.. It is no longer the case.

      Living in a tariff bubble is the worst thing you can do if you want to seek competitiveness.

    15. Which imported goods?

      Tariffs are a Prohibitive Tax, meaning the point is to make the goods no longer a viable option in the domestic market and reduce their import altogether.

      So if there is already a Prohibitive Tax on those goods of 50%, raising it to 200% would reduce revenue from that tax, basically, to 0.

      Translation: We’ve gone from taking in a small portion of those imports to none, and would remove them entirely from the market. The result would be less competition for local businesses and they would raise prices to compete or be entirely unaffected (as, currently, the 50% Tariff is likely enough to keep those products either on lower importation rates or at least keep them competitive with US products)

      As a note, I just checked and this is in response to John Deere closing US Factories with plans to open more in Mexico…

      I mean, personally I’m just shocked a Canadian Company like John Deere can do this and cost American Jobs… I mean, you’d figure there were some kind of protection against…

      …Oh, wait… What allows them to do this? Oh… Oh yeah…


      side bar: Trump couldn’t even do this tax if he wanted to because he already agreed he wouldn’t, in writing, in 2020 when he renegotiated NAFTA with worse terms for US manufacturers…. so…. yeah.

      There’s that.

    16. Only a republican politician with a career death wish would raise any kind of tax or tariff! Keep it up Donald the democrats need this!

    17. Aggravating_Rate_286 on

      I swear somebody needs to swat him with a rollled up newspaper and shout “who’s gonna pay those goddamn taxes dummy?” Anybody thinking these giant companies won’t just pass on supply chain costs (plus an extra 15%) doesn’t live in reality.

    18. how about things we can’t produce here? Coffee? bananas? things like that? you know the Orange Chicken didn’t think of anything beyond the headline so basic consumer goods won’t be excluded.

    19. So, now he’s pissing off any corporation that imports a product as well as the consumers which are going to have to eat at least some of that additional cost.

      He thinks that this will cause businesses to move all of their manufacturing to the US, but the reality is that they will just start selling their goods somewhere else since. The only alternative would be to find a cheap enough labor force in the US, but that’s unlikely since Trump plans on deporting all of the immigrants…

    20. Not that it would ever actually happen, and I know he’s talking out of his ass, but this would quite literally cripple thousands of small – to – medium businesses within the US, including mine. It’s wild that so many small business owners support this buffoon, and that so many Americans think that tariffs get paid by the other country, not the American company importing the goods. He wants to simultaneously “make America affordable again” and cause every business that imports anything to raise their prices. Make that make sense. (Last sentence is of course sarcasm, I know it’s not possible to make that make sense).

    21. There’s a reason that, over the course of the past 60 years or so, Republican presidential administrations have outpaced their Democratic counterparts in indictments by a 40-to-1 margin. That is not a misprint or mistake: it’s a 40-to-1 margin.

    22. veryveryLightBlond on

      I honestly think most MagAssholes don’t know that (a) a tariff is a tax that is (b) paid by Americans.

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