A very important Reminder:

    by Lena_Lena_A


    1. “Both sides” may have worked in 2000. I get it. I used to be like that, but it doesn’t work anymore after the rise of MAGA.

    2. Monkey-bone-zone on

      “Both sides” asswipes are just too fucking lazy to educate themselves on the issues they pretend to care about.

    3. It’s always amazing to me that the most self-assured, loudest people are usually the most ignorant, too.

    4. “Both sides” was what I thought when I was young and too stupid to admit to people that I didn’t understand politics well enough to know what was really happening.

    5. As soon as someone says “both sides” they’ve just announced to me that someone should probably be helping them tie their shoes.

    6. Both sides got retired once Trump was elected. Now? If anyone tries to even start to say ‘both sides are the same’ I immediately put their opinion as ‘not important’. If they can’t understand why both sides are not the same, in September 2024, they clearly are not worth engaging with

    7. It’s just so embarrassing how ill-informed so many of our citizens are.

      They actually think Biden can pick up the phone and order Missouri not to execute someone.

    8. Romelle is frustrated. I get it. He’s taking out his anger on the closest person but as she points out, that is seriously misplaced.

    9. This is an unusual post for WPT, Romelle is black (or at the very least a white dude pretending to be black online) and is getting schooled by a white woman.

    10. Primary-Bookkeeper10 on

      The modern GOP exists because of a mass exodus of Southern Democrats to the Republican party after Kennedy signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They weren’t moral people to begin with.

    11. Can’t prove it, but I’d bet cash money romelle a troll account with both sides shit up and down they timeline

    12. Interesting that five and a half of the six justices who voted against the stay of execution are”pro-life” Catholics.

      (I count Gorsuch as half Catholic because he was raised Catholic but attends an Episcopal Church.)

    13. BlakByPopularDemand on

      But harm reduction is just choosing the lesser evil.

      But both sides are the same

      But blah blah blah

      Reminder the lesser “evil” more often than not is several magnitudes less evil than the alternative. November 5th you can pick being shot in the head or kicked in the shin. That isnt a hard decision

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