That’s the most polite “no, and shame on you” I’ve ever read

    by biancainaflamboyant


    1. AppropriateCode2830 on

      The subtle anthropological jab that, in fact, Romani people are of Aryan descent is delightful

    2. OneEstablishment1324 on

      The irony of them basically stealing a phrase and using it to describe themselves, not realizing that from an anthropological standpoint, they were dead wrong and Aryan didn’t mean what they thought it was.

      It was telling that one of the titles used by Mohammad Reza Shah, the last monarch of Iran before the monarchy’s abolition, was *Aryamehr* which meant “Light of the Aryans”

    3. SylvesterStalPWNED on

      Anyone remember that weird period of the internet like 7+ years ago where a bunch of zoomers were trying to say that Tolkien was racist? Wild

    4. The fact that he called Indian, Persians, even the Romani/Gypsy people as the true representative of this whole “Aryan race” is quite amusing. Not to mention that he called Jews as gifted people as well.

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