Jared Kushner Miraculously Returned ZERO Profit from Massive Saudi Investment

    by grahamlester


    1. “[Jared Kushner](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/jared-kushner)’s private equity firm has taken $112 million in fees since 2021 but hasn’t made a dime for the [Saudi](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/saudi-arabia) and other government groups that ponied up most of the $3 billion for its [investment funds](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/business), according to a Senate Finance Committee probe. “Affinity’s investors may not be motivated by commercial considerations but rather the opportunity to funnel foreign government money to members of President Trump’s family, namely Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump,” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) wrote in a letter to Miami-based Affinity Partners obtained by *The* *New York Times*.”
      Story: [https://www.thedailybeast.com/jared-kushners-questionable-private-equity-firm-hasnt-made-any-profits](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jared-kushners-questionable-private-equity-firm-hasnt-made-any-profits)

    2. Who wants to bet the reason for this is massive fraud and diversion of funds to thousands of fake corporate fronts for “services rendered”

    3. The New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media gave him a free pass for this multi billion dollar deal that was suspicious as hell. They were too busy bashing Biden over non-stories.

    4. The Saudis did not invest for profit. The returns gained is the influence. Not all values are measured in dollars.

    5. Meanwhile, I have pro-Israel friends who think this guy should have won the Nobel peace prize for the Abraham Accord. 🤷‍♂️

    6. Expert-Fig-5590 on

      The real question here is why is Garland letting this slide. Or the SEC. Or the FBI. Or the CIA. Or anybody whosoever. This prick is just out here blatantly criming away to his hearts content and nobody gives a fuck!

    7. javananka is nepotism and graft personified.

      the grift rolls on.


      >”Just a month before her father was elected president, Russia renewed two trademarks for Ivanka Trump’s business. This would be the start of a pattern. In 2017, Ivanka’s business won preliminary approval for three Chinese trademarks on the same day that she dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago. In May 2018, Ivanka’s business was awarded “registration” approval from the Chinese government for five trademark applications, with an additional one getting “first trial approval.” The same week, President Trump announced he would try to save jobs at ZTE, the Chinese telecommunications giant closely tied to the government. A month later, Ivanka’s business got registration approval for three more Chinese trademarks, on the same day her father announced he’d lift sanctions against ZTE.

      >At the same time that Ivanka was working on Opportunity Zones, Jared owned a significant financial stake in a company called Cadre which offers investment vehicles under the Opportunity Zones program.

      >Ivanka’s business applied for Japanese trademarks the day after her father won the presidency. They were approved around the time of Mike Pence’s visit to Japan where he met with then-Prime Minister Abe.”




    8. Surely the Saudi’s will pull their money from Kushner’s fund any time now if he continues to not generate a profit right? Right!?!

    9. EatsOverTheSink on


      But how could that be? Why wouldn’t they be expecting a return on their investment, unless…

    10. And returned this zero profit during an insane bull run for all US indexes. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. maybe he put most of it in .DJT?

    11. Gotta be honest with you, I’m surprised that he didn’t manage to *lose* them a shitload of money (other than his “fees”, of course) with his “management”.

      Not that the Saudis were planning on *making* any money with this venture, of course.

    12. Paid himself $112 million? Sounds like profit to me. I expect to see a bankruptcy filing any day now.

    13. If it’s real estate then that would make sense. RE funds for (I presume) development is all outflows with a high rate loan at the start. Once the property is built and rent stabilized, then it will refi with a much longer duration loan at a much lower rate. Then the fund has a solid cap rate and starts paying out periodic income to the investors.

      After like a decade or 15 years. The fund manager will do a 1031 exchange or just straight sell and return capital (with profit) to investors

    14. FlashDangerpants on

      I must have misunderstood, I thought it was normal for Private Equity to lock up your money for 5 years. They shouldn’t be returning profits until the end of the period unless the investor take a huge haircut to sell out to a 3rd party, no?

    15. Biden had warned Saudis that their cut in oil production to raise prices would have consequences. But who thought that Kushner and Musk would be delivering those consequences?

    16. Probably because it was just smoke and mirrors for a bribe.

      We can’t give you $4bln so we will put your kiddo in charge of a fund with $4bln. The money is very easy to launder from there.

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