The Army quickly was Appalled by the South

    by AwkwardlyDead


    1. During the Civil War, most Union soldiers didn’t care about the issue of slavery and were more focused on preventing the collapse of the United States.

      This would change as many Union soldiers encountered horrific circumstances of slavery and it’s widespread influence on southern society, with accounts like these:

      “The following day, soldiers “learned, and saw the cause of the alarm in the form of two negro women—a mother and a daughter.” The pair had fled to Union lines to avoid the proposed sale of the “goodlooking” daughter into the so-called fancy trade, which soldiers viewed as a form of concubinage.”

      “Public sentiment is so corrupt,” Cpl. James Miller claimed, that nobody in a Virginia town “seems to think that there is anything wrong with” a wealthy, well-respected community leader selling his own child. ”

      “Uncle Toms Cabin bad as it was fell far short of portraying the evils of slavery,” Miller claimed.”

      “to think that these slave-holders buy and sell each other’s bastard children is horrible”. Pvt. Chauncey Cooke, Twentieth Wiconson”

      “Pvt. Chauncey Cooke experienced an epiphany when a fair-skinned slave woman whose children had been fathered and sold by her master told the young Wisconsin boy that her children looked like him, and that she missed them dreadfully because she loved them “just likes you mammy loves you.” ”

      “When an Iowan encountered a young child about to be sold by her own father, who was also her master, he vowed, “By G–d I’ll fight till hell freezes over and then I’ll cut the ice and fight on.” Unknown Iowan Soldier”

      For more accounts like these, please read What This Cruel War Was Over by Chandra Manning, a fantastic resource on opinions of the Union army during the war.

    2. SitInCorner_Yo2 on

      This side of story should be told more often, Jesus Christ this really paint a very clear picture anyone can understand even if said person didn’t know much about US history nor other race .

    3. I’m not American, I’m not really educated about American slavery.

      But who would sell their own kids as slaves to others? Wth? How is that even possible?

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