“Healthy” Lunchables

    by cortemptas


    1. Wolf________________ on

      Also in general your body only needs additional salt if you are not getting enough in your regular diet which is the opposite of most people’s diets as the average person consumes far too much salt.

    2. Not exactly, prime has mostly just a huge amount of potassium. Way too much potassium. When you sweat you lose more sodium than other electrolytes. You want a sports drink that mimics the same distribution of electrolytes you lose in sweat.

      That’s where prime fails. Since you don’t lose very much potassium in sweat, any extra potassium you have in your blood is going to be filtered out by your kidneys.

      You’re paying for a ton of electrolytes that you are peeing out without using

    3. People going through their day on cans of monster redbull and gfuel are gonna talk about what’s healthy now

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