It always starts with baseless accusations

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. Own-Hospital-7602 on

      What’s REALLY weird is that the envelope’s return address was 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480 and the letter read:

      “I would bigly appreciate your vote.


      Comrade Kamala”

    2. That’s weird. I just got a gift card from K-Mart asking me to vote for Jill Stein. It happened, I promise.

    3. blandocalrissian50 on

      Gift card? Everyone else got cold hard cash. No address, just stuffed in my mailbox. Thousands of dollars. Wtf? Dipshit Trump gave a lady $100 then other day. Lol.

    4. shucks I wonder if there is a photo of a candidate handing out $ to potential voters, that would be even more weird.

    5. I just got a text from a Republican friend in Florida.

      He said his house got destroyed by a hurricane, but his GOP senators and GOP congress people voted against FEMA funding.


      # Every Single Florida House Republican Voted Against Disaster Relief Funding


      # DeSantis voted against Sandy aid a decade ago. Now his state needs the help.


      # Republicans who opposed disaster relief funding now seek Hurricane Ian aid


    6. Pretty brave of him to accuse Amazon of buying votes. That won’t likely end with him being sued by one of the largest corporations on the planet. Oh wait, it probably will.

    7. Ah yes. Trump is on vid giving a woman money – so team Trump has to make it seem that the dems are *much worse*.

    8. Ah yes, and a mere day or two after the video of Trump handing out cash surfaces. I can’t wait for Trump to show us, first hand, the next bad things that the Democrats did a day after he did it first.

    9. Hey I can do that too!

      Just got a text from a friend in Ohio. He got an autographed photo of Trump raping a 12 year old girl.

      This totally real thing definitely happened.

    10. Whatswrongbaby9 on

      I often pay people to do something up front with no verification that they ever actually did it. I am smart with money.

    11. Weird how this accusation comes out right after Trump is on video handing a cashier $100 at a grocery store. Couldn’t be a coincidence… NAH /s

    12. Now, now. Let’s be completely honest about this. These accusations are NEVER baseless. They are always firmly planted in exactly what the GOP is actually doing.

    13. Trump is on video handing out $100 bills.

      So yes, please, start this hoax so we can get more attention on that criminality!

    14. Mission_Ambitious on

      This also seems incredibly easy to fake. I can go buy an Amazon gift card and tape it to a Kamala themed post card that I printed. They’re not even fabricating fake news correctly 😂

      (Interesting timing after the Trump pictures of giving PA residents $100 cash the other day.)

    15. Timed to distract from Trump giving out $100 bills at a grocery store campaign visit the other day. Like clockwork.

    16. Smells like bullshit to me, but hey, trump can go to a grocery store and buy people’s votes there, right?

    17. Remember:

      The Democrats are crooked cheaters with so much control over every facet of society that their cheating can’t be found.

      But they also apparently send out gift cards from notable giga corporations asking people to vote for their candidate.

    18. and of course amazon would never correct them either because they’d rather be seen as secretly democrat than the capitalist imperialists they are.

    19. I’d believe this happened, at least on a small scale. I’d believe that some yahoo someplace bought some gift cards, packaged them up with a letter, and sent them out. That yahoo is almost definitely completely unconnected to the Harris campaign.

      I doubt anybody who works directly for Trump is dumb enough to do something like this, but some of his followers absolutely are.

    20. This new lie is probably being floated because Trump was handing out $100 bills in a grocery store. It’s the “everybody does it” defense.

    21. Hey everyone, let’s commit mass voter fraud but let’s leave a paper trail and buy a bunch of gift cards!

      That’s smart.

    22. Trump was literally handing out cash in a swing state gas station the other day. So. Glass houses and all that.

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