Man finds his lost nokia phone after 22 years with 1 bar of charging left

    by onlyvishnu


    1. And it was still on hold with customer service with Avril Lavigne music playing in the background

    2. Absolute bullshit. Even if the phone was powered off, there is still power decay and standby battery drain.

    3. Big doubt. You could hit it with a ball bat. These glass phones got nothing on Nokia durability. The 🪳s will be showing these to the kids. 

    4. I turned on a blackberry not so long ago just to see what it had inside and some of my old conversations. It still had battery.

    5. I remember when I charged my cell phone once like every 5 or 6 days.

      And I powered it off at night.

    6. benevolentbandit90 on

      My parents got me this exact phone in high school. This would’ve been around 2006. I was at their house last year looking through some old clothes for my 2yo and found my old phone. I made a joke about the durability memes of the phone and said “watch it still turn on”. Sure as shit, it did. Idk shit about batteries, so perhaps my experience isn’t surprising. But I did not think the battery would hold any charge over nearly 20 years, let alone enough to turn on. Blew me away. As did the cringy high school texts within it.

    7. Nokia 1110, if buried for 22 years in the ground, would regain full charge, supply the whole neighborhood with free energy and revive all dead trees above it, as a bonus.

    8. Let’s see, the typical leakage current of a li ion cell is about roughly 1 uA. The battery capacity of 3310 is 1500 mAh or 1500000 uAh. So the battery will last for 1.5E6 hours.

      22 years is roughly 192840 hours or 1.9E5.

      The numbers checks out. Assuming he had switched off the phone and it was almost fully charged when he lost it, this should be possible.

      If his phone was on when he lost it it’s extremely unlikely considering how much power hungry the modem chipset was in 2G and not to mention the leakage current in the processor chipset.

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