Missouri murdered in an innocent man today.

    by BrownEyes_TootsiePop


    1. ParticularAd8919 on

      What exactly is the actual argument for executing him? Is it purely that because he’s already been convicted the authorities can’t be contradicted? This isn’t sarcastic or rhetorical. I’ve just not actually seen why the authorities in Missouri seem so hell-bent on executing someone despite all of the pieces of evidence suggesting there’s reasonable doubt on his guilt?

    2. dr_jack_daniels89 on

      As a non-American could he have been pardoned after the Supreme Court had ruled he was to be executed or is it too late at that point?

    3. Apollo_Dragon777 on

      This is why the death penalty needs to be canned. An innocent person should never be killed, especially when it is revealed he is innocent, and those around him with a higher authority refuse to do anything. They’re showing their racism and they don’t care about justice. They just want an excuse to murder no matter the reason, then claim to be pro life when, in reality, they’re pro death.

    4. That governor is disgusting and blood thirsty he’s over seen now 12 executions during his term. He’s also pardoned I think it was the most amount of people per state? But they were all undeserving crazy people like the two people who waved their loaded firearms at people near their house 🙄.

    5. While a tragedy, DNA did not exonerate him, it did not convict him either. The person (s) who said he did it, died not recanted. And the prosecutor wanted him put in jail for life- not released. This deceased was not a good guy but possibly not deserving of the death penalty. The “system” is not as bad as this comment would lead one to believe- which is tragic as it undermines all the good parts of the system- such as the appeals he had and all the people who worked on his behalf. This seems to be a good example of why the death penalty should be abolished or at least used more selectively.

    6. GrannyFlash7373 on

      Republican politicians get their power hungry cravings soothed every time they have someone killed on their behalf. The man upstairs will exact retribution on those who commit murder.

    7. Da_Vinci_Serenade on

      See this is why we need to abolish the death penalty using federal laws, Just outright ban it’s use in the USA.

    8. I don’t mean to bring race into this but, if he was white he wouldn’t have been murdered yesterday. I’ve lost all faith in the American institutions.

    9. Attorney General Andrew Bailey is one of the biggest reasons. He pushed hard for this! Look into him! He says it’s not his job to protect kids being abused in religious schools but it is his job to waste millions of tax payer money defending already rich convicted sexual abuser Donald Trump and creepy Elon Musk. If not suing against our medical care choices and programs that help those in need while he himself benefited from them! He belongs in prison!

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