Potato patato

    by Detroitish24


    1. “A great day in North America!” would probably be a safer bet for him at this point. 

      It’s hard for him to be sure where he is or what he’s saying nowadays. 

    2. The oddest thing about this mistake is, why would he be campaigning in Louisiana? Its not even somewhere he’d ever possibly be

    3. Accomplished_Tear699 on

      I don’t understand social media at all, 1300 people reTrUtHeD that, why? Do you even know why you’re doing these dumb things, or is is just to OwN the LiBs? I can already hear the wake up sheeple cries of the maga nut jobs

    4. If you looked inside of his skull, you’d just find a bunch of squirells and overcooked hamburger meat.

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