Endorsing her without endorsing her

    by Spiderwig144


    1. Justify-My-Love on

      Y’all hear about the Muslim mayor supporting and voting for Trump?

      Dudes will literally support the devil just because some gay folk waved some rainbow flags in front of them.

      The “uncommitted” don’t care about America.

      Vote like your lives and freedoms depend on it… because they do.

      Project 2025 is a blueprint on how to install white supremacy and take us back to the Stone Age. These “uncommitted” will not be there to save you when shit hits the fan. They do not care about you.

      If you’re “uncommitted” in September 2024 I have no respect for you.

    2. Not voting for Harris is effectively voting for Trump, Voting for a third party is effectively voting for Trump. Thats how this voting system works unfortunately. I get people not voting as a “statement”, but in reality you are basically just voting for the other side

    3. If Pence announced he was voting for Harris, the Republicans wouldve lost their momentum (what little of it remains), and a whole news-cycle would’ve been created about that.

    4. People forget that the very first thing that Trump did in 2016 was institute a sweeping Muslim ban..which I’m sure he’d like to do again. Protest all you want but Trump is not going to help Muslims at all.

    5. a black man was murdered under this administration less than 24 hours ago with no attempts to save his life from them and liberals are already running to do damage control for them instead of standing with those trying to add pressure.

    6. Or they don’t vote at all which is really where a lot of this is going. Expect lower voter turnout than in 2020.

    7. At least this is a step in the right direction. As long as Trump doesn’t win, we can at least continue to move forward as a country

    8. Jesus Christ, it isn’t a douche v a turd sandwich this time. It’s a literal threat to our democracy v a turd sandwich! Shut up and vote for Harris, she’s not perfect but nobody is and in this case perfection is the enemy of destruction.

    9. This shit is infuriating as someone who lives in Georgia and has worked my ass off to get out the vote for 16 fuckin years. 3 death threats this summer, and I fully acknowledge that I am privileged to have it take this long for a middle aged white man to threaten to shoot me in the head. I’m scared. If I’m scared, how scared are black trans women? how scared are the little gay kids at my local high school? But sure let’s not endorse Kamala, this election isn’t that important right?

      Maybe it’s just denial but I feel like this pushback is coming from people who already live in solid blue states and don’t feel immediately threatened. Newsflash: we need your fucking help. Don’t call yourself an ally and then not stand by us. I try not to get upset about it while simultaneously trying to figure out where in the fuck I am going to go when the Dixie Gestapo come knockin.

    10. This is just embarrassing at this point, you know for a fact that Trump winning would be for the worse, and discourage voting third party because it’ll help him. You’re endorsing Kamala without saying it, it just makes you a coward who can’t stand by what they believe in, who refuses to participate in the discussion or even challenge it because everything isn’t going *exactly* your way. You don’t want to trump to win, you refuse to make your voice heard, how is Kamala going to do what you want if she gets into the office? The non committed movement is an important and compassionate voice when it comes to those suffering because of the war, stop throwing it all away just to throw a fit. Kamala is more likely to listen than Trump, why not utilize that for leverage instead of saying “both sides” while voting for Kamala?

    11. This is so stupid, “We don’t like what Kamala is doing so we won’t vote for her, but hope that Trump loses cause he’s going to do worse to Gaza than Kamala would, so we’re just hoping a miracle happens and some candidate appears who ticks all our boxes wins”

      Like I’m sure the Palestinians appreciate your dedication to ideological purity as they’re wiped off the planet with Trump’s blessings.

      Being an adult means making compromises, it means taking a route you wouldn’t prefer because it’s practical.

      Fucking children.

    12. Guys, it’s not hard. Groups like this withhold endorsements because they want Harris to adopt different positions (in this case, against unconditional arms to Israel) and threatening to withhold votes is the only way they can pressure her.

      The goal isn’t to get Trump elected, it’s to get Harris to adopt better positions. That’s not a bad goal at all

    13. Stupidest group of people.

      All single issues voters are a waste of oxygen.

      Life is about compromise and working through problems through incremental change. It’s also more infinity more complex than a single issue.

    14. Turd_Ferguson_Lives_ on

      ***A lot*** of people are going to stay home if Kamala doesn’t change her stance on Israel. A lot.

      Good thing is she has time to change her stance. Bad thing is if she doesn’t, the election loss is on her. It’s her policy and she has 100% control over it.

    15. Muslims 🤝 far leftists

      These groups just have a knack for being the most politically ineffective groups in the US. Shit is insane

    16. They just wont vote, thus basically voting for Trump. But they are too dumb and stubborn to realize it.

    17. If that’s the case, then they’re the same as all the “centrists” or “libertarians” who claim they aren’t Republican but always have nothing but right wing talking points.

      They want to act like they’re morally superior with their political stances, but will inevitably fall back into the fact that the US is a two party system.

    18. TokenBlackGirlfriend on

      Ive had a theory that they already voted for Trump in previous elections and are only pretending that they didn’t over the Gaza situation.

      I live in Detroit, them people are NOT liberal.

    19. Plane-Cartoonist-186 on

      I am no expert in the matter at all. But I think it’s weird that all the blame goes to people not voting or being undecided or voting third party and not on the Democratic Party generally ignoring the cease fire that everyone wants. If Kamala just took a stronger stance against Genocide then her win would be absolutely assured. Instead she doubled down on her support and now everyone is mad at people drawing the line at GENOCIDE because trump will just GENOCIDE faster?

    20. Ok-Satisfaction-5012 on

      Yall are genuine assholes, like genuinely and truly disingenuous asshole people. Uncommitted delegates went to the DNC this year with the stated claim of begging, and I do mean *begging* the party to give them and the constituencies they represent even the slightest hope for a change in policy that could inspire people to vote for them. These are people who have family in Palestine and in Lebanon, people whose loved ones are actively being killed now and they’re asking the party they represent, they canvas for, they win seats for, to stop killing their fucking people, and you all *CRITICIZE* them for it. What the fuck kind of people are any of you?


      Most of the uncommitted delegates are life long democrats, elected officials on behalf of the sorry who do more for the party in real life than any of you sanctimonious callous assholes. How do you all feel so self righteous talking about defending democracy when you cannot even abide people try to leverage a democratic system to have a basic ethical demand met? Tens of thousands of people dead in Gaza, if not more, over 500 killed in Lebanon just yesterday, millions of people being displaced and starved, and your criticism is of the PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO FUCKING STOP THIS? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? DO YOU FUCKING HEAR YOURSELVES RIGHT NOW? I hope you never encounter the level of inhuman brutality that dwells in your rotten souls

    21. liquifiedtubaplayer on

      The reason you’re able to virtue signal and do nothing about it is because others are doing the dirty work to stop this country from becoming a conservative autocracy.

      You will be governed whether you like it or not.

    22. letshavefunoutthere on

      It’s a privileged position to take. When you are not facing down white supremacy and how that will endanger your family, you can sit on your high horse comfortably.

    23. ContactMushroom on

      Absolutely cannot stand Harris but she’s better than orange monkey man so I’m forced. Against my will. To pick a shit candidate so we don’t end up with a nazi.

      God bless America and its freedom indeed smh

      Democrats need to do better and stop acting like they’re the good guys when you’re all POS and the only reason you’re not the same is you’re not nazis. Literally the only difference.

      It’s getting old when your only go to is “but the others are worse!” Maybe be better in the first place so it’s not a forced vote in your favor and people like you willingly.

    24. So this is just:

      “We don’t really like one candidate, but we *fucking hate* the other major candidate. So vote against the other guy in the most effective way, which isn’t *not* for the one candidate we don’t like but dislike less.”

      To me this is just plugging your nose shut while you vote for the lesser of two evils, which is how most presidential elections have been recently, it seems.

      So there’s no problem. They don’t *like* Harris, but they’re also saying that we can’t let Trump win again. They’re outright saying “don’t not vote for Harris.” So there’s no problem

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