The answer to the question, ‘Does Trump pray?’

    by janjinx


    1. wabashcanonball on

      Tariffs invite retaliation and U.S. farmers suffered last time around. In the meantime, consumers paid more. In fact, Trump’s tariffs, budget deficits, and tax-cuts to Billionaires fueled the most recent economic cycle that we’ve finally emerged from while keeping unemployment rates historically low. Do we really want to let trip reignite the inflationary fire?

    2. We have to remember that people who understand tariffs aren’t the majority of his voting base.

    3. MessagingMatters on

      A tariff is a heft sales tax on Americans, with the brunt affecting those most who can afford it the least.

    4. Tarrif God ” My dear boy , Tarrif is something beyond your comprehension. You should stick with cats and dogs”

    5. More like: Dear Satan, please strike dead anyone who doesn’t say, “Sir, your tariffs are genius.”

    6. It’s like a kid repeating a bad word they don’t know the meaning of to sound cool.

      He learned that you can tariff stuff and is just using it wherever he thinks it works.

    7. SilentReflection101 on

      My uncles and cousins on my dad’s side are all farmers. They all suffered. They’re all still voting for Drumf.

    8. Skreeethemindthief on

      Why won’t the media press him with questions like this? Make him give an actual answer.

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