Talk about a crisis actor

    by ExactlySorta


    1. I hope that some MAGAts get together and bid on some of the useless shit and donate it back to him only to have it seized and sold a second time.

    2. I hope a date comes when we can call his family “crisis actors” like he called the families of Sandy Hook crisis actors.

    3. Hahaha good. Get fucked you ape. This is nowhere close to what you really deserve for what you’ve put people through and the harm you’ve done to this country.

    4. I think a lot of people who are dramatic are not acting. Someone can deserve everything coming to them in everyone’s eyes, but they themselves wont see it that way.

      Most evil people think they are good.

    5. Suspicious_Feed_7585 on

      Aaah tinking you’re part of the club…until your not..and realizing your just as expendable as the rest.

    6. Medical-Enthusiasm56 on

      BREAKING: shitty propaganda misinformation conspiracy theorist gets all his assets liquidated for being a shit human. Tears of a clown. Get fucked, you only lost money, those people lost their fucking children, you fucking asshole.

    7. There are a lot of macho republican men that like to cry like little babies when confronted with truths.

    8. I don’t think it’s being sold off piece by piece. I think it will sold to a new owner-likely another radical conservative to maintain the current clientele.

    9. Lots of grifters got rich from this despicable corner of online culture, and it saddens me that it has taken this long for even one of them to be fully held to account, but I’ll gladly take that as a rare morality win for now.

    10. go after his house and everything else, once he’s broke and homeless than I’ll cheer.

    11. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving POS…honestly, justice for this scum has taken too long.

    12. Good thing he bought a city as a joke years ago and that can’t be taken by the government, I wonder if he’ll move to Schitt’s Swamp considering the frogs are gay there

    13. dragonrider1965 on

      Thank you for posting this , it’s just the right amount of joy I needed on this rainy day .

    14. I simply cannot understand how a human being can willingly debase himself like this so thoroughly in public.

      Nor can I understand how other people can watch this and take it seriously to any degree at all.

      This dude and others like him will not even exist as footnotes in the history books and it would be better for the world if we would start treating them accordingly in the here and now.

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