Rare spherical cloud

    by BoiMan778


    1. >”While I can’t verify the origin of this image, or whether it was even of the same cloud, it appears that the cloud only appeared spherical from one direction,” Lane told ScienceAlert.

      >”That is, the photographer was lucky to be in the right place to capture an interesting image of what is likely an uninteresting cloud. It looks to me to be some form of cumulus fractus cloud.”

      >For those of you who aren’t up with their cloud types, cumulus fractus clouds are low-hanging, fragmentary clouds that are usually small bits that have been cleaved off the edges of larger clouds by strong winds.

      >That means they often look stretched or shredded, like the second perspective of the alternative perspective above.

      [This Strange ‘Spherical’ Cloud Appeared in The Sky Over Japan | ScienceAlert](https://www.sciencealert.com/this-strange-spherical-cloud-appeared-in-the-sky-over-japan)

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