Soooo, only fertile women should be able to vote on laws that directly affect them. Okay then.

    by 7dayweekendgirl


    1. According_Physics624 on

      GOPers; they want to keep the world stocked with fresh babies because it provides money and revenue to the big businesses that lobby and line government worker’s pockets with a constant stream of income.

      Also, it provides new personnel to provide a constant stream of workers for the military industrial complex.

    2. Appropriate_Top1737 on

      Because people are capable of caring about and supporting issues that dont directly benefit them?

      Its called empathy.

    3. According_Physics624 on

      Theres a balance. We don’t want to end up like Japan where there aren’t enough young workers to care for the old(this will happen in about 20-30 years at this rate), but the gov here could take the healthy steps of subsidizing childcare, expanding medical coverage for women and girs(so that prenatal and post natal care isn’t so expensive) and expanding programs like CHIP and SNAp which millions of families count on every year.

      Keep abortion prochoice, and help the situation out in other wars.

    4. More proof of how out of touch with reality Republicans have become.

      They CANNOT be trusted to govern us.

    5. Moreno fundamentally can’t even comprehend how or why a person would care about something that only affects other people. That is the perfect example of the modern Republican mindset.

      It’s also bizarre and self-refuting though. Moreno can’t get pregnant and isn’t a fetus. So, why does he give a shit about abortion?

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