Two different views on Ukraine

    by Tandem53


    1. Kinda like everything else; Trump’s opinion and reality are usually opposites. He’s a great gauge of what’s bullshit and what’s not, just take the opposite stance from him and you’re usually good.

    2. Seems like every time I see r/facepalm, it’s someone posting politics.
      There’s more to life than politics.

    3. Trumps face hole is making noise? It’s absolutely a lie and projection. So tired of his BS. Get out and vote!!

    4. Well it’s literally the job of guys like Trump to push Putins agenda in the western world. It’s not a secret even if nobody is doing something against it. 

    5. Very disappointed in the American Military Industrial Complex. Here’s a chance to ship off billions worth of arms to Ukraine and get the US to stock up again with new military production, and they can’t control Trump on this issue?

    6. BudgetHistorian7179 on

      Yes. Two different views, but the facts are quite univocal, , to quote:
      – Russia says advancing across Donbas – defence ministry
      – Russian forces storming Vuhledar – bloggers and media
      – Russia says it defeats Ukrainian units at Vuhledar
      – Ukraine acknowledges fighting around Vuhledar
      – Ukraine says Russia using guided aerial bombs

    7. Cerebral_Overload on

      Ukrainian drone dropped him water and tried to guide him to place where he could surrender. He was shot by his own countrymen, the ones who left him in that state in the first place. But sure tell us again how honourable and praiseworthy the Russians are.

    8. ya_bleedin_gickna on

      Most of soldiers don’t want to be there. They wanna be living normal lives like the rest of us who aren’t conscripted and sent off to die in some shitty war cos Putin has a small cock.

    9. What “Military Record”?

      They have the second best Army in their own country🤣.

      This is the Military that camped out at Chernobyl and sent their men into the woods to dig trenches in Radioactive soil, and to top it off the men were so stupid that they ate vegetables that they found growing there.

      Most of the world(Russia included) expected them to take Ukraine in a matter of days, they not only still haven’t managed this but have also been invaded by Ukraine with the leader crying like a petulant bitch about how unfair it is.

      Russia went fae being feared on an international level as a “Military Power” to being a laughing stock who’s Tanks aren’t fit for purpose, Fighter Jets that use Car’s SatNav to navigate, Troops that are pathetic at anything other than slaughtering unarmed civilians, leaders so incompetent they’ve been killed by their own men, unstoppable missiles that have been stopped by outdated equipment, and a Government that does nothing but make the same idle Nuclear Threats over and over because they know the world now sees the truth that Russia is an impotent country run by a dying troll.

    10. I can tell you that Reagan would have fully supported Ukraine so Russia can be destroyed again. Russia needs trump to bail them out.

    11. I can’t wait for this election to be over, I don’t even live in America and I hear about this crunt constantly. My father in law thinks he’s just dandy. I have a feeling though he won’t “go away” until he’s dead.

    12. Just throwing billions of dollars at Ukraine-with no accountability of where it went is getting old.


      While all your allies doing all they can to help the invaded country in distress.

      You’re fine with this, you unpatriotic fuckheads?!

    14. Gold_Studio_9281 on

      It’s quite probable the almost nothing we know about the war is real. It’s a political event, not just a conflict. Many Americans are making huge amounts of money from it.

      It has to be at least as profitable as the middle east

    15. Bowler_Pristine on

      Looks like the orange goon likes to praise genocidal regimes. Loves to praise Russia who’s committing genocide in Ukraine and Israel for doing the same to Palestinians. Wow what a great piece of shit he is!

    16. HumbleLobster2138 on

      Bottom line – if Russia’s military was top notch and dominant they would have rolled over Ukraine. They have a lot of numbers and cannon fodder but are a mediocre military. The oligarchs and extremely corrupt military hierarchy have eaten the funds necessary for proper training, so average soldiers go untrained, ill equipped and poorly fed.

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