No matter what you do on Twitter you get alt right content. Delete Twitter

    by uDoucheChill


    1. Watched this video yesterday and it shows just how cooked twitter is in my opinion, with musk changing blocks it’ll get even worse.

    2. I have a theory. Russian bots infiltrated Twitter + Everyone becomes aware of the misinformation being spread by foreign actors = Elon Musk buying Twitter so that the bots and propaganda can run free, spreading misinformation.

    3. Tricky_Photo2885 on

      YouTube is the same thing. You could be on there looking how to fix your washing machine next video is Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan videos

    4. pine-cone-sundae on

      it says a lot about the media at large that they blindly stumble on, posting on x despite the hostility toward facts there. most of our “news” is groomed by commercial interests. they don’t serve truth or fairness or any of their other platitudes. they’re just selling widgets like everyone else.

    5. This is why I got off twitter. Same thing happened to me. The self-serving slaver cunts just wouldn’t stop showing.

    6. Why does anyone support the muskrat’s mission to destroy America? Do they not realize that by even having an account on that hate platform that he is making money off you? Even if you are never on it, he get paid by your accout being active. Just delete it.

    7. I’m watching only vtuber arts and stuff on twitter, mostly from JP account. I litteraly don’t use it for anything else. Lately the “for you” page has started to recommand me some stuff like catturd’s account. Elmo is 100% trying to force these kind of accounts on people.

    8. Never had twitter myself, and starting using it at this point feels like starting with ICQ. Please tell me useres, why are you on there? What is the benefit?

    9. I was convinced to leave twitter after I kept blocking Muskrat and him somehow becoming unblocked repeatedly over the course of 2 weeks.

      I’d mute and block so many of those alt right accounts and then refresh a time or two and they’d come right back to my feed. I was finally convinced of how trash the bird app was.

    10. Except that there is an awful lot of “gaming” content expressing alt-right ideology. Not that I don’t think Xitter is cooked, but if that’s what you tried to use to skew the algorithm you didn’t do yourself any favors.

    11. I was getting Elon himself in my feeds.

      I’ve never followed that piece of human garbage.

      I uninstalled the app and haven’t missed it. I thought I’d miss some news, sports, and satire accounts but I realized I can find similar content elsewhere.

    12. Is this influenced by your location/country? Because my feed is more or less just like I want, but I’m not from any American or European country.

    13. Previous_Beautiful27 on

      I deleted it the day Elons takeover was officially set. It sucked but I knew there was no good to come from staying.

      It’s frustrating to hear a lot of people I follow on podcasts and stuff just casually brush off staying on Twitter, like it’s some given that of course they can’t just delete their account.

      I get it that people are addicted to their engagement and some people depend on social media to drive people to their content, but is Twitter engagement even close to what it once was?

      If you remain on Twitter you are enabling Elon and his right wing mob.

    14. DMcabandonpants on

      Would it be more ridiculous to most people if he had bought MGM so he could star in all the movies?

    15. So, “block” and “ignore” don’t work anymore? It’s the literal definition of not understanding “no means no”.

    16. Oh my goodness! If only we could do something about it! Like…like stop using it? STOP USING TWITTER MAYBE? No, please keep lining Elon’s pockets, he’ll use that money responsibly…

    17. I don’t see how anyone with common sense & empathy can STILL be using Twitter at this point in time.

      That bitch should’ve been faded tf out as soon as reports of the rampant racism and advertisers dipping tf off became news worthy.

    18. Lol I love D’Angelo. He only managed to (mostly) escape nonsense by following and liking every single Pokémon account/post he saw. Crazy

    19. The South African Nazi is doing everything in his considerable power to destroy our country and rob us of our rights and freedoms

    20. I love DeAngelo! I watched that video two days ago and it really shows the twitter right wing rage bait machine. They either convert people to the right wing or farm rage interactions off normal people

    21. Impossible_Gain_16 on

      I noticed this too. I rarely get on twitter, maybe 1x every few months and only follow companies for upcoming news for my stock portfolio. I got on a few weeks ago and all I saw was right wing talking points and Elon.

    22. What kills me is how so many people have STILL not deleted their profile and moved to other platforms. At this point, you are sitting at a table with Nazis and while YOU might not be a Nazi, it’s not a good look.

    23. Wild. I never got into twitter, so I can’t really paint a before and after, but, I used to notice on television, a lot of presenters would have a twitter handle by their name, and push twitter followers. I never see this anymore.

    24. I truly don’t understand how or why *anyone* is still on Twitter. Honestly. I haven’t used it in over ten years, and guys, I’m here to tell you, the sun keeps rising

    25. Deleted Twitter last week. Nothing but trash content & Elon needing everyone to see his posts.

    26. Critical_Seat_1907 on

      I deleted Twitter as soon as Leon took over. No idea why anyone thought it would turn out differently than it has.

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