Grandma and her workmates at the condom factory 1928

    by Embarrassed_Bar_4805


    1. Artistic-Skin4346 on

      I’ve tried to find any info on the factory which I’d expect to be in Oakland CA, to no avail. Then my research showed that contraception, while so important to the military, was still a big no no. So smaller mom-pop manufacturers set up to fill the gap. This is an interesting article on the state of affairs at the time. [The Covert history of the American Condom]( My best guess is that she worked for Aaronab Products which distributed Romeos out of San Francisco.

    2. Ok_Committee_8280 on

      Love this! I just finished a book where the heroine was trying to spread the good word about birth control in the early 1900s and I think this line from it is perfect for this picture: “She quite liked the idea of thwarting recreational semen from taking purchase in wombs all across Manhattan.”

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