Gravy Seals

    by UrbanCyclerPT


    1. Thinking of their sad lives outside this cosplay makes me feel sad. Then I think about their worldview and what it would mean for people I love and it turns into “Fuck those dumbassed shitheads.”

      Vote like you want to make them rage cry!

    2. I don’t care how many guns they have – I’d laugh my ass off directly in their fat redneck faces.

      Fucking tools.

    3. Walrus…with really weird and uncomfortable purses.

      ….also, not entirely sure if those dudes can even get their left arms over into proper firing position. Must look fucking idiotic firing from prone, to say nothing of watching them try to get back up.

    4. blandocalrissian50 on

      It’s like they want to live in a war ravaged country. Do they have any clue what life would really be like in that situation? They over here playing GIJoe and there are countries right now where the citizens have no choice but to live and die with real violence. Fuck these idiots.

    5. I always say that guys who feel like toting a weapon of war into a burger joint should stop and think how they’d respond if they saw a black man doing exactly the same thing.

    6. After the successful charge of KFC Hill and Operation Boston Market Garden, the Meal Team Six returns to headquarters for debrief.

    7. So this is definitely AI.   Look at the logo on the cup and the food and type on the menus.  I mean plenty of these douchebags exist in real life without needing to fabricate them.

    8. I’m so thankful to live in a country where I will never ever see something like that on a normal Wednesday.

    9. I’ll bet my life that they hate the Democrats and call them communists but don’t have a problem paying less for their insulin now because of them.

    10. My dad did 20 years in special forces, 2 tours in Vietnam. He looked almost exactly like these guys in the end. He couldn’t have gotten himself down in prone firing position and back up again in his sweatpants in the living room, much less in the field with a combat load. Christ, when he fell on the floor one day, I couldn’t even help him get up by myself. I know exactly how these dudes look when they’re waddling around the house in their slippers. And I guarantee you that when they stagger in the door after this little poser parade, they’re gonna collapse in their recliners and pass out for the rest of the day.

      If my 20 year special forces dad had ever caught me doing something like that when I was younger he would have kicked my ass.

      If I ever caught him doing something like that now I’d take his guns away.

    11. Lmao at all the people raging over this AI pic. Saw this in a group for boomers falling for AI pics on Facebook two days ago.

      As others have mentioned look at the cups and the sign in the background. Look at the rifles, one of them have two foregrips and one has a short suppressor that wouldn’t be functional.

    12. Snowflakes of the highest order and lowest IQ, highest cholesterol, lowest income bracket…and so on

    13. As someone who has received weapons training, has basic common sense, and who is a liberal gun owner I have an observation to make…these guys would be the first target for anyone who is planning on shooting up a public place.

      Advertising that you have a weapon only makes you a target (and a source of more weapons for a shooter) if you don’t know who your enemy is.

      Concealed carry is the only way to safely arm oneself for self defense.

      Also, if these guys came under fire, they would probably both die of massive coronaries.

      Basically, I am saying these guys are both doing it wrong and that they are pathetic.

    14. If you’re worried about participating in the next Civil War because you can’t hit the broadside of a barn, great news, your targets will be larger than the broad side of a barn.

    15. Equivalent_Law_6311 on

      Let me be clear, I used to have an FFL and a modest gun collection, that stayed in the safe unless I was going to the target range, if I owned this business and these 2 fat fucks came through the door, I would simply say, “get out and don’t come back”, fucking idiots.

    16. Badasses! You’d need an elephant gun to take ‘em down! Easy to lure in though, bowl of gravy and beer.

    17. They look like they call themselves ‘survivalists’, but don’t know how to boil water without a microwave.

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