Literal gallows humor

    by wetouchingbuttsornah


    1. Annual-Consequence43 on

      The government is coming out with assisted suicide, which is perfect because with the way things are going, that’s my retirement plan.

    2. The only “painless” method is using an inert gas, but like every other method if you screw up and fail you just end up causing permanent damage to yourself and survive. The best way to kill yourself is to just keep living, you’ll die eventually.

    3. NihilisticPollyanna on

      When I wanted to kill myself at age 14, I changed my mind last minute because I imagined my parents at my funeral, all relieved that I was finally gone, and I decided “Fuck those guys, I’m not doing them this favor” and basically stayed alive out of spite.

      Turns out, pettiness saved me. Who knew?!?

    4. It feels like your eyes are gonna explode because you’re supposed to position the knot of the noose in a particular area. As far as asphyxiation goes, there are better methods

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