In the animal kingdom there are different methods of escaping a predator, this is one

    by moskayjoh


    1. One of them definitely has a resigned “Well I guess we live here now, on this vertical rock face” expression as the dogs keep circling. I wonder how long it’d take the pack to give up and/or not just wait for them to move

    2. If one of them dogs are smart, just jump and knock the deers off the cliff and everyone would have a party.

    3. just stay there for a day or two, they have to come down for water at some point or they’ll drop because of dehydration. Send half the dogs to drink or hunt and they come back and do the watch shift next day.

      and this is why we are the apex predator and any other specise is not.

    4. These African wild dogs are some hard mofos…they eat their prey while they are still alive…eeewwww!

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