How can someone not know the price difference between a phone and a house

    by Steven_234


    1. Lots of homeless ain’t on the street homeless. There are tons of homeless living shelters or with friend/family temporarily.

      When I was homeless for a few months I was doing Uber during the day and sleeping in my car at night. Was homeless by every definition but still had a phone and a car.

    2. Old-Culture-6278 on

      I would guess people like that think that homelessness means just the shirt on your back poor.

    3. When I was homeless I carried a prepaid phone. Now it was a $600 phone that I had already purchased before I was homeless.

      However there was a group of people working with the homeless who helped create resumes, as well as help them find shelter or someplace to stay, as well as giving them cheap prepaid phones as in $14 with 30 minutes of minutes at the time.

    4. This isnt about price, its about priorities. He should buy a home or rent an apartment first, by saving every penny that isnt for food in his non-existent piggy-bank or wallet thatll definitely never get stolen by other homeless people or teens ransacking his cardboard box because they need to feel superior today.

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