These days incels see a female protagonist and start shitting themselves immediately.

    by liminal_liminality


    1. InternationalLink544 on

      I got massive “Blue eyed Samurai” vibes seeing the trailer, and thats a good thing.

    2. Honestly, that’s all the more reason why we need more female protagonists. Incels crying their eyes out is good for the world.

    3. A good written character in a good written story is just that, gender does not matter. I play male protagonists all the time, and I am not crying about it, and I personally prefer to play female characters.

    4. I’m interested in the game, but I admit it. I would have preferred Jin Sakai as the protagonist.

      I’m also one of those who don’t like political themes, social and cultural forcing in video games, but complaining because the protagonist is a woman is crazy

    5. I never cared if I play a woman or a man or what else in games. It just has to fit the story and character.

    6. If Tomb Raider would be introduced today, a lot of people would hate the shyte out of it for being “woke”, whatever that even means.

    7. I don’t know about anyone else but I really wanted to play as jin with the continuation of his story. But I will be happy as long as we get a cameo mission with jin in GOY. And some lore drops and references about GOT.

    8. Jamie_Alan_Campbell on

      99.99% of the comments are positive. Why is there always a campaign to take the opinions of a few idiots and pretend like it’s a big deal when it isn’t?

    9. Doesn’t really matter tbh, as long as the character is good, and also changing the play style too, would be uncool if the play style is same compared to tsushima.

    10. Man imagine if the game was planned to come out with AC shadows?

      that would have been funny af

      cant wait for an official date tho

    11. These days, internet warriors use the word “incel” so much that it has literally become


    12. GaberJaberLAZER on

      Idc if protag is dude or gal. As long as the story is good then I’m in. Begone games with terrible signalling!

    13. xSantenoturtlex on

      If your masculinity is so fragile that playing a woman in a video game is enough to shatter it, you aren’t a real man.

      Loser behavior.

    14. throwawayacc199019 on

      I prefer playing as a male character because it’s easier to put myself in their shoes, but it’s not like im going to shit on every female lead

    15. Pro_Panda_Puppy on

      I will give you three names :
      1. Tomb raider series
      2. Horizon series
      3. Control

      Fabulous games. Female protagonist :))

    16. Tsushima was goated, Yotei will also be goated, good thing i don’t let randos strangers influence what i play

    17. Prestigious-Option33 on

      For me it was just a bummer not seeing Jin again, but if the story’s worth it oh boy, it’s surely going to be a really good time for me next year

    18. Don’t like 90% of high level gamers play female characters for “the hitbox benefits” why is it suddenly bad the game is based around only the “better” character model

    19. Great story is great story. That’s all. The problem begins when producers want to describe historical character while changing their major traits what are parts of character’s identity

    20. Incel complaint about female protagonist

      While me imagine the hot springs scene with female protagonist

    21. Glass_Excitement_538 on

      Mate who cares? No one actually cares who the protagonist is I wouldn’t waste your time with it.

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