What a moronic weirdo

    by GothSpite


    1. This is the result of elite rich billionaire weirdo types shoving a literal mutant down your throat. It’s obv these guys r so partisan and divided the country with a violent cleaving down the centre jus to keep them and their rich friends in charge. Do something about it. The rich assholes don’t get to rule over us like dictatorial warlord dirt bag lying Pos. So What Now

    2. Again, there is no there, there. Their entire platform is “we will hurt who you hate”. That’s it, all else is political theater (& cash grabs, get yourself an overpriced coin now!)

    3. WhistleTipsGoWoo on

      Inflation has been tough on my family. We’ve been living high on the hog saving money from harvesting our son’s pet bearded dragon’s eggs and milking our Siberian Husky. Eating well while pinching penny’s is the way to go in this economy.

    4. hackermanbootyshorts on

      It’s still a lie but it bugs the fuck out of me that this guy said 2 dollars for a dozen when they are marked as 2.99 that’s 3 dollars damn it.

    5. $2.99 is hardly 2 bucks. Claiming someone else is lying by also lying yourself is not a good look imo.

    6. ElectronicPOBox on

      Build a wall around the eggs so the Hatians don’t eat them and add tariffs on the chickens who are sneaking in From Mexico and we illiterate so they can’t count.

    7. EstablishmentLimp301 on

      Can take the man out of Appalachia but never can you take the Appalachia out of the man.

    8. Gop in a nutshell.

      History is cringing so hard while the capitalists continue to boil our only planet so the top 0.01% can be slightly more wealthy.

      E@t the r!ch ASAP obviously DO IT 💪

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