… that killed 7mil people worldwide…

    by guitarguy12341


    1. Long Covid, anyone?

      This was a nasty one. My neighbor lost 50% of lung function permanently.

      It’s more complex than death rate, which was bad enough.

      The good news: COVID deaths in red counties are DOUBLE the rate in blue counties.

    2. And people act like it’s gone. The fucking virus is here now. Forever. Facing covid is now a lifelong thing.

    3. The ‘mild flu’ that needed two years of lockdowns, overwhelmed hospitals, and global economic meltdowns. Super mild.”

    4. They make it a pass fail thing.

      You didn’t DIE therefore you’re FINNEEEE.

      I’ve had reduced lung capacity, and reduced sense of taste and smell for 3 years now since I got it the first time.

      I used to be able to hold my breath for 2-3 minutes now I can barely hold it 30 seconds.

    5. I’m in my early 30s, healthy, never had breathing issues, avoided catching COVID during the pandemic… caught COVID during a flight back from Portugal last year, still have to take a puffer daily.

    6. Affectionate_Reply78 on

      Flu (ostensibly stronger than COVID if that was a “mild” version) – max 50k deaths in US per year in last 10 years.

      COVID – about 400k deaths per year in ‘20 and ‘21.

      So yeah 8x the mortality is a “mild” version

    7. Evening_Rock5850 on

      They also keep insisting that a death rate is the number of people who died, divided by the entire population of earth.

      No disease has ever been categorized that way nor would it ever be. That’s a useless metric and not how that works.

      A death rate is number of deaths divided by numbers of cases. Otherwise virtually every disease has a super low death rate. I mean think about it; some rare aggressive brain cancer that kills 100% of the people who contract it will have a 0.001% “death rate” if we used this COVID math these folks use.

    8. whenIwasasailor on

      I watched people I loved— and people before them and after them, in that same hospital— fight and fail to breathe. I watched them put into induced comas in order to be placed on ventilators to try to keep them alive. I watched doctors use machines to remove and filter and replace their blood in a desperate attempt to fight that virus. And I watched them die.

      I watched that. With my eyes. I didn’t read it in some political newspaper or hear about it on some nightly newscast. I watched them struggle and suffer and die.

      That was no fucking mild flu for millions of people.

      So go fuck yourself, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.

      I hope those people are waiting to greet you when your own time comes.

    9. chaoticselfimage on

      No. I legit was so damn sick and I am in my 20s. I’ve never felt so terrible. It took forever for my strength to return. The flu has never taken me out the way covid has every time I’ve gotten it

    10. West-Fold-Fell3000 on

      Turns out 0.07% is a A LOT when you consider the number of people who caught covid. These people cannot math.

    11. Privatejoker123 on

      Well probably more deaths then that. Remember China had one of the lowest amounts….on paper. Yet there was a lot of reports that suggested they had a lot more deaths but it being China they weren’t going to report the real numbers

    12. If you actually think Jordan Peterson is still relevant, you deserve to be exposed to this crap.

    13. Assassinjohn9779 on

      I work in ED (A&E or ER depending on where you’re from) and have done since 2020. Covid was and still is a nasty virus with a far higher mortality rate than flu. That first variant was insanely deadly and there were lost of post covid complications (PE’s for example). The current varients while far less deadly are still more likely to kill you than flu if your vulnerable.

    14. morphinechild1987 on

      I was working funerals in northern Italy at the time. Yeah doing 10-12 services per day instead of the usual 2 was perfectly normal. More than 200 coffins housed in Bergamo’s Cimitero Monumentale chapel were perfectly normal. Watching 4 bodies come down to the mortuary of a small hospital in less than half an hour was perfectly normal. Crying in the car while driving home from work so nobody could see was perfectly fine

    15. Eastern-Try-9682 on

      Are people still dying at the same rate from Covid? Or has it tapered off because all the people that are at risk are vaccinated now?

    16. “I didn’t spend any time in Covid wards where people were drowning in their own fluid, and it didn’t affect me so it must have been that way for everyone.”

      The opinion of someone who has never had to help or heal a sick person in their life.

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