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    by Colin1th


    1. GPT summary of 4 articles I could find:

      The story surrounding Donald Trump’s modeling agency raises significant concerns about labor and immigration violations, beginning in the early 2000s. Trump Model Management, founded in 1999, recruited foreign models, many of them underage, who worked illegally on tourist visas. Models were housed in crowded, dorm-like conditions and charged exorbitant rents, making it difficult for them to earn a living. Despite promises of high earnings on H-1B visa applications, models like Alexia Palmer were paid far less than required. Many were unable to work elsewhere due to contractual obligations.

      **Trump’s relationship with Diddy**: Trump and Diddy, both figures in New York’s entertainment and business circles, developed a friendship around this time. Diddy, a prominent figure in music and media, discovered several young talents, and his circle, like Trump’s, was filled with glamorous events and high-profile personalities. The pair were photographed and mentioned together in various contexts during the early 2000s. However, there is no direct evidence that Diddy was involved in Trump’s modeling agency operations.

      **Immigration Violations**: The agency used H-1B visas, typically meant for highly skilled workers, to bring models to the U.S., even though modeling doesn’t require advanced education. These visas required the agency to pay models a “prevailing wage” set by the government, but in reality, models were often paid significantly less after commissions, fees, and rent deductions. The lawsuits brought by models like Palmer alleged not only wage violations but also defrauding the U.S. government by misrepresenting earnings on visa applications.

      **Work Conditions**: Models lived in overcrowded apartments and had few legal protections. According to reports, some were paid as little as $4,985 over three years, despite promises of six-figure salaries. The agency allegedly encouraged models to lie about their visa status, leading to a precarious existence where they feared deportation while working for minimal compensation.

      In summary, Trump’s modeling agency exploited legal loopholes to bring in foreign talent, underpaid them, and profited off their work while denying them the promised benefits. His relationship with Diddy, though unrelated to these specific business practices, reflects Trump’s broader pattern of associating with controversial figures and operating in industries tied to glamour, celebrity, and questionable labor practices.





    2. Honestly, who cares at this point. Everyone who hates him already does and everyone who doesn’t never will. He could take a messy dump on a MAGA supporters grandmothers face and they would still vote for him. Just vote Harris and end this madness

    3. Xpointbreak1991x on

      Trump is friends with a lot of pedophiles, rapists, and traffickers. It’s like shitty people are Pokémon to him and he’s trying to collect them all.

    4. Yes, and somehow this and raping 13-year-old girls is never a topic of discussion. You never see it on any network or in any paper.

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