Hippo terrorizes a coalition of lions crossing a river

    by spirimes


    1. LuminousHorizon1 on

      Those lions must have skipped the toll fee, that’s why the hippo is charging at them! Not on my watch lol

    2. The exiting lion in the back is like “Actually, I didn’t even feel like crossing this river today… Deuces ✌️ ”

    3. The-Lord-Moccasin on

      I had a reflexive urge to act anal over calling a group of lions a “coalition” rather than a “pride”, but the oddly-specific terminology puzzled me enough to look it up.

      TIL an exclusively *male* group of lions is apparently a coalition rather than a pride.

    4. Yeah lions are definitelt not the “king of the jungle” as the saying goes. Hippos kill more humans every years than lions as well. Do not fuck with something that’s like 20% mouth.

    5. The speed at which these Murder Cows move is terrifying. One minute they’re chilling, shooting spritzes of water out their nose, the next they’re ready to murder one of the top predators on the planet, let alone 3 of them at once. What an absolutely glorious and completely absurd fucking animal. Bravo.

      Also love that as soon as the lions are in the water they’re glancing over like, “Yo, are you sure this is safe?”

    6. Who else just call all animal groups…

      🥁 🥁 🥁

      A group?

      Like, a group of lions, or birds, or fish. They’re all groups. Why we gotta get fancy.

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