Governor Mike Parsons denies clemency for Marcellus Williams; execution is Today

    by what_eve_r


    1. I bet if he was white he would have been pardoned.

      What a shit stain of a state.

      Everyday I feel embarrassed to live in this country, I hope I get to be in the government one day to stop this kind of shit.

    2. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Yeah, it’s crazy, literally everyone INCLUDING THE PROSECUTION was like “Hey, we are getting more and more proof that he might not have done it, can we please delay this?” When even your opponents are like “yeeeeah no” and you still push forward, you are kind of showing your ass that you are just evil

    3. franking11stien12 on

      Parsons also wouldn’t believe the fbi when they told him that right clicking on a web page to view the html wasn’t hacking. Parsons had a webpage that revealed all the socials of every teacher in the state. All you had to do was view the page as html. The reporter that found the poorly coded page even told parsons, so it could be fixed before airing the story. None the less parsons refused to believe that the page wasn’t hacked even after the fbi told him he had no idea what he was as taking about.

    4. I can’t even begin to express how fucking angry this makes me. I hope his family is able to sue the shit out of every racist asshole, and the state of Missouri, involved in this.

    5. So he can pardon actual criminals but not an actual innocent man? This is literally state-sponsored lynching.

    6. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night making that decision that he made with the questions that were raised. I don’t know all the facts, but I guarantee he doesn’t either. Heartless stuff.

    7. Literally EVERYONE has been arguing his innocence, but I guess being black was enough for Parsons to decide that he is not spared

    8. Fantastic_Year9607 on

      The fact that a state-sponsored lynching has happened in America proves how ass-backwards the country is. It needs serious reform, like tear it down and build it back up, or it will die.

    9. Fun_Effective6846 on

      Unfortunately he’d already been executed by the time this was even posted (around 7pm EST). When Mike Parsons originally took office, this case was on his desk and Marcellus was awaiting the DNA results when Parsons sent the case back so courts to Marcellus’s execution date could be officially set. He said it should be up to the courts, not him, as if it’s not his job to take over when the courts fail astronomically.

      He was never going to grant clemency this time around, and he’s a murderer for it. Marcellus William’s blood is on Mike Parson’s hands, full stop.

    10. As a Missouri resident, let me tell you, fuck this guy. I haven’t liked him the entire time he has been governor.

      Our nickname for him is Governor Hee-Haw.

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