This is murder. Straight. Up.

    by Lord_Answer_me_Why


    1. VastAcanthaceaee on

      I saw a MAGAt comment “But he still could have been guilty!”

      Republicans are just evil. There’s no other way to put it.

    2. Marcellus Williams. Marcellus Williams.

      I won’t pretend to know who this man was two days ago, and this is a shitty eulogy.

      But we all understand what a gross injustice this is, that was performed in our name. Allowed to happen, and the highest Court in our land sat back and watched it happen (the digressions are meaningless to this point).

      We fucked up. Or if not us, we inherited a fuck up. Or we’re passing this fuck up off to the next American. Voting matters.

      It’s a tiny, trivial fucking thing, and you’ll feel betrayed for your entire life. Trust me. But it’s the least you can do.

      >When is the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago. The second-best time is today.

    3. Uncle Ruckus probably getting a tug off from his nazi wife right now in case you’re wondering I mean Clarence Thomas

    4. The Supreme Court’s conservative justices are murderers, they deserve the death penalty.

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