Are you kidding me? 🤦

    by Nice_Substance9123


    1. NovelRelationship830 on

      Tax *all* churches. Enough already. Separation of Church and State means they should not be getting write-offs on my tax dollars.

    2. It’s 100% in violation of IRS tax except code (assuming this is a 501(c)(3)) however the IRS is too chicken shit to go after churches so they turn a blind eye.

      We really need some of the more liberal churches to start lobbying openly for Democrats. This in turn will get Republicans to start crying for the IRS code to be enforced thereby screwing themselves over.

    3. As a religious person. I don’t believe the church of any sort should be getting political. Seems like really poor form to push political views in any way shape or form outside of campaigning.

    4. God


      And guts. . . Of children laying dead in a school hallway after being gunned down by a psycho with an AR15


    5. Blessed are the Peacemakers, for THEY shall be called the Children of God. God and guns don’t mix, can’t “turn the other cheek,” that way.

    6. Think of how much money the IRS can collect if we revoke the tax exempt status of every church that preached politics from the pulpit.

    7. BudUnderwearBundy on

      We need to create a government agency just to speak to religious institutions about how tax status is a matter of opinion often times.

    8. Yeah you’ll be praying to God and holding in your guts when one of your MAGA parishioners comes thru to ratatat everyone in sunday service because you let a Black or Latino family come worship.

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