An explanation on why there are no baddies in Atlanta, GA from those UK podcaster’s perspective

    by herewearefornow


    1. Electrical-Set2765 on

      That’s so, so sad. No one should have to put up with that. She’s also so damn beautiful like what the fuck is wrong with people???

    2. This is accurate because I watch a lot of UK tv shows and most of the black women are with white men. That was the first time I’ve seen interracial relationships between a black woman and a white man. She is so stunning! I am glad she is finding black men in America that are attracted to her. However, everyone has a preference.

    3. That’s pretty sad, but even as an American you have to deal with that at times.

      Side note… she was so fidgety, she was making me anxious 

    4. Adept-Ranger8219 on

      This is kinda fucked up. I’m half white, racially ambiguous and I can relate. Definitely not white. Am I Asian? Iranian? 1/8 black? Who knows. Regardless of race, I’ve only dated a certain type of liberal chick. I did sex a few (…2) white girls whose daddy would probably shoot me if they knew. I’m proud of that.

    5. I’m at least glad that brothas over here showed her the appreciation and love she deserves. Those UK niggas are weird.

    6. She is fine af. She’s intelligent. She’s self aware.

      That’s a keeper. She dealing with fck boys.

    7. As someone who is from Atlanta and currently living in Seattle, I still don’t understand the confusion. Atlanta eats Seattle in every way imaginable in terms of attractive people.

    8. Notinjuschillin on

      Would you please leave your hair alone, it looks fine!!

      She reminded me of my daughter, always primping her hair.

    9. Ok, so can I get context on the UK podcasters? And whats this about no baddies in Atlanta?

      I’m strangely proud of her getting a better experience in the American South, but I do wonder that its a bit strange to assume white, liberal men aren’t colorist or rude about Black features. Is there no *liberal* Black men in the UK? That part don’t make sense to me. And would darker skinned Black guys have a similar experience? Or, no?

    10. low_effort_review on

      I dont understand how the story in the video relates to the title, what does no baddies in Atlanta have to do with the UK? Either missing context or lacking comprehension sorry.

    11. My white ass needs to get to the UK fast. Women like this are being ignored??!!! Booking flight now.

    12. I don’t know what podcasters people are talking about but saying that there are no baddies in Atlanta is a damn lie. Like have you seen women in Atlanta?

    13. Complex-Professor257 on

      Maybe the colorism was also generational. I am a millennial and lately get hit on by Black men who seem younger than I am (got hit in by an 18-year-old, told him my old age and he ran away).

    14. If someone like her showed up in my lil podunk TN town I’d fall over myself to talk to her, only to have nothing at all to say. She’s be-a-utiful, omg

    15. TheMoorNextDoor on

      That’s sad to hear, she’s attractive and I would’ve snatched her up if I could’ve growing up.

      She definitely would’ve had a completely different experience anywhere else, in the West Indies, in Africa, even in the U.S. which she is experiencing now.

      U.K. Black men y’all got some splaining to do 🤔

    16. shaversonly230v115v on

      Uk black guy here. We are dating black woman. I’m dating one right now. I don’t know what she’s talking about.

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