The wall WORKS, only allowed through 21 million people, and only he can fix it. 👍

    by Pessimist2020


    1. He built 52 miles of wall where one didn’t previously exists. The other 400 was replacement or secondary wall. Such a fool.

    2. StrangeAtomRaygun on

      I would love to hear specifically how he is going to to fix it, how it will be funded, and how he intends to maintain it.

      But he will never say.

      He has a ‘concept’ of a plan.

    3. Only it can fix it huh? Where does dump get all this information no one else has access to? I think he may be a FāCkIn’ liar!🤥

    4. yes fixing it by creating a fucking dome around the country, only america has people dumb enough to think he can do that

    5. If you live in a “border state,” do like they did in Springfield and press charges against him.

    6. And we all know you can’t go over, under, around, or thru a wall. It is just impossible, Right…? /s Pass the damn border bill.

    7. Parking_Criticism546 on

      How does the number of illegal immigrants keep going up every time he speaks?? Does anyone actually know the real number?

    8. Do you see Havoc? I don’t see any Havoc.

      This man slanders America every time he speaks.

      America sucks (outrageous lie), it’s their fault, I will make it awesome (outrageous lie). Every subject. Yawn.

      America is Great. We need to get back to serious people making it better.

    9. I watched a new video the other day of an American citizen climbing over his wall in 29.5 seconds. That wall is really effective.

    10. Let’s start a gofundme for the wall so Steve Bannon can embezzle it. Then, since it’s illegal, Trump can pardon him. Wait this already happened.

    11. Green_Archer_622 on

      ok, here’s the thing. that number is insanely high. the actual number is much lower. but not only that. the number trump is trying to quote is border *encounters*. not all or even a majority of these people were allowed into the country. the far far majority of them were sent back. so trump is lying (again).

    12. Acceptable_Pain_9213 on

      He said he would fix it in 2016 and again in 2020. He really does rely on useful idiots to keep him in power.

    13. Desperate-Ad-6463 on

      Maybe this is a dumb question. Maybe this is just a dumb question for dumb people.

      If The Wall works then how did 21 million people get in??

    14. Rude-Pangolin8823 on

      All of this just to increase the average crime rate in the US…

      Undocumented migrants in the US have a lower crime rate than citizens.

    15. You can feel and smell the desperation and stupidity in every message.. whenever he opens his mouth and speaks.. he’s just pathetic.

    16. Is that the wall which has tons of videos showing immigrants making trivial work of getting over, under, and around it?

    17. Whenever i hear about the wall im just reminded of the video where the smugglers simply climbed it and went over.

    18. ConsciousReason7709 on

      Last I checked, Kamala Harris was not president over the last 4 years. Additionally, Trump was the one who killed bipartisan immigration legislation that would’ve helped the border issues. He is a lying sack of crap.

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