Mail-in Ballots? We don’t do that in Texas! Who do you think we are…California?

    by weh1021


    1. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

      It’s a good thing the Texas legislature was able to hand-pick their president. It’s exactly how representative democracy works 🤯

    2. What?!?! You think we’re going to let everyone who is legally eligible actually cast a vote ? This is Texas !

    3. Wouldn’t it be nice to have I dunno maybe some kind of federal agency that looked not election interference… 🤔

    4. Well, duh. The only way Republicans can win is by limiting who can vote. That’s gonna bite you in the ass one of these days, idiots.

    5. So Paxton is admitting Texas went to Biden, but he falsified the election results? I’m less surprised than I’d hope to be.

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