McConnell just dropped a truth bomb on the Trump campaign

    by rwoooshed


    1. HiVeMiNdOfStUpId on

      “In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of…


      The Great Depression.

      Passed the….


      The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act.

      Which raised or lowered…?

      Raised tariffs in an effort to collect more government revenue.

      Did it work? Anyone know the effects…?

      It did not work and the United States sank deeper into the Depression. Today, we have a similar debate over this Anyone know what this is…?

      Anyone seen this before…?

      The Laffer curve.

      Anyone know what this says?

      It says that at this point on the revenue curve – – you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point.

      Does anyone know what Bush called this in…?


      Something-doo economics…

      Voodoo economics.”

    2. Ah, the American media, where a “bomb” is something that essentially everyone will completely ignore.

    3. NovelRelationship830 on

      McConnell (not to mention every economist that is asked): Tariffs raise prices for American consumers.

      Trump: NO THEY DON’T!

      Trump Supporters: NO THEY DON’T!

    4. He has stated numerous times that other countries governments will pay the tariffs, which should just got to show how little he understands about tariffs.

    5. He’s still vote for one if he’s still in the Senate. Though I don’t think that’s even necessary.

    6. Trump knows he has it backwards on tariffs. But he can never admit being wrong. So he makes everyone around him agree that he is right. To try to change reality. Fucking psycho.

    7. I’m just going to keep screaming this into the void: TARIFFS DON’T WORK WITHOUT PRICE CONTROLS!

    8. You mean Moscow Mitch whose wife’s family stands to lose a ton of money if more tariffs are enacted in China? Gee, I wonder why he is against them.

    9. Occasionally, politicians who displayed a modicum of competency pre-Trump, even if they were slimy scumbags, will remind us that they are capable of something other than pandering to this collective groupthink that is the Republican Party

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