Justice Failed, The Klan is alive and well in Missouri

    by CantStopPoppin


    1. Remember in two months they’ll be saying this is the greatest nation in the world when they do remember this moment and this man. Remember as they chant about a better America remember the state can will put a man to death without fair process. Remember now who spoke about it and who wants your support for the system of oppression and stayed silent right now.

    2. im not saying the uptick in hateful actions and rhetoric are Trump’s fault… but they are Trump’s fault.

    3. BlackExcellence19 on

      It’s sad that the Supreme Court AND the Governor of Missouri can show blatant racism by refusing halt the execution despite evidence completely exonerating Marcellus and have zero consequences for doing so. We are cooked as a country.

      EDIT: Do not bother calling or spamming Mike Parson’s office or phone line because it has been full and sending straight to voicemail for the past 3 days.

    4. No-Acanthisitta-2517 on

      I curse every complicit motherfucker in the state of Missouri who let this happen.

      May that old fuck of a governor Mike Parson NEVER know peace until the god he serves condemns his bitch ass to hell. May Marcellus’s apparition haunt everyone who let him die today. May their minds be broken and their souls crushed. May they feel pain and torment like the demons they are when they step into a church pretending to be a good Christian.


      Let it be.

    5. When DNA evidence can’t even clear a Blackman’s name, we need to really consider if living in this country is worth all the violence done to us as a people. We have studies that Trauma can fuck up our genetics, sooner or later we will all be considered complicit if we don’t leave for somewhere less racist to us.

    6. DelicateEmbroidery on

      Trump could have come off as a hero if he’d have gotten this innocent man off by talking to the governor.

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