Going down the rabbit hole

    by SpectacularOtter


    1. Bubbly_Satisfaction2 on

      – House tours of Queen Anne houses and mansions. I’ve come to realize that I love the exterior of Queen Anne houses, but find the interior designs to be over-stimulating and not my taste.

      – Watching tours of plantation houses just so I can hate-read the comments.

      – Content that involves home renovations.

    2. Man, I was ready to answer “cow hoofs” only to see that Kev already said that. Shouts out to the hoof GP too, with his distracting veneers.

    3. Ok-Description-4640 on

      The hooves and the rugs for sure, but I don’t binge one after another. I also like this one guy who cleans up peoples yards for free. Usually heavily overgrown so the sidewalks are covered and driveways looking like a bike path. It’s timelapse video but you watch him with the mowers and weed wackers and edging tools and the transition is sometimes amazing but always satisfying.

    4. Electrical-Set2765 on

      I’ve been watching [Auri Katariina’s](https://youtu.be/YVT0YTi15Qg) cleaning videos. She goes to the dirtiest houses to clean for free so that the tenants are at least a little cleaner while they’re getting their lives more in order (she’s one person, sometimes with her brother, and can’t fix every issue). And duuuuuude, I bought some of the cleaning supplies she recommended. My sink looks legit sparkly and buttery, it’s nuts!

    5. Now I just wanna head home, pull up the Quest 3, and play PowerWash Sim VR with some city pop in the BG.

    6. canines_and_wines on

      Cleaning storm gutters from flooded roadways, yard cleaning/mowing/grass cutting, what’s in my bag videos.

    7. All these plus:

      – Watching pilots land dangerous crosswind landings.
      – how quickly and easily a musical artist can record and submit a feature for a song
      – probably seen 357 videos on how to make a good steak

    8. I go down those rabbit holes. My wife is into yard maintenance of overgrown yards and cleaning videos.

    9. Pretty much everything he said and car detailing. I get stuck on ig for 20 minutes every time I see a dirty car on my timeline.

    10. Prestigious-Mud on

      Cow hoof trimmings thanks to YouTube recommend is a thing that sometimes helps me sleep at night.

    11. Nate the hoof guys is the shit !! My husband and I are obsessed with his vids!! He doesn’t ramble on like other hoof videos do. He gets straight to the point and explains what’s happening while he helps the cows feel better . I can’t get enough of his channel on YouTube ! You see the relief the cows feel immediately . Highly recommend . Vids between 4-8 mins mostly

    12. KeepItDownOverHere on

      I don’t have tiktok, but I’m heavy into lock sport videos (thanks to TLPL). I even ordered a decent pick set and have manage to buy and defeat like 20ish locks so far. Never even though about locks and how they work before TLPL.

    13. Resident_Onion997 on

      Fun fact about horse hooves: if the ground they walk on is too soft and they don’t regularly get their hooves trimmed then the hooves can grow too long and begin curling like a fingernail does, eventually the horse can’t walk and dies

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