Trump: “We gave you the greatest tax hikes in the history of our country”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. I think at this point, he’s just proving his idiot cult will clap for anything he says no matter what.

    2. Even in this, he’s lying. The biggest tax hike ever came under FDR, via the Revenue Act of 1942 (raising wartime funds to finance defense spending). Then again – if his freaking lips are moving, he’s lying.

    3. Typical_Carpet_4904 on

      His hairpece is now a puffball mushroom.

      Big mushroom compensating for a little mushroom

    4. The greatest

      The beautifulest

      The biggest

      The bestest

      The mostest

      Never in history and shit….. I’m So tired of hearing it

    5. I’m sure any minute now NYT and WaPo are going to start running incessant articles about his mental unfitness, like they did with Biden. Right?

    6. Remember when Joe Biden said “we finally beat Medicare” and people were calling for him to resign.

      Well… Donald Trump should resign. He sounds like a demented old fart. Doesn’t know up from down.

    7. Zealousideal-Emu5486 on

      His big legislation win was to cut taxes on corporations. He made a big stink about how this would reduce taxes for everyone. My taxes went up because I could not deduct portions of my real estate tax/interest etc. My bottom line was made worse with Trump taxes. My son’s taxes went up as well if you looked at the profile across income levels lower levels went up which is the worse place to add tax. I am so frustrated with the general public and the media for his tariffs. Even Harris during the debate did not hammer on him over tariffs and how the consumer pays. He has his idiot supporters literally thinking that Chinese companies write a check to the dept. of treasury when they sell products to the US and not the consumer.

    8. Hairy_Afternoon_8033 on

      I don’t agree with any of his policies, and I’ve never voted for him, but part of me is holding out hope that he is a secret genius and that every time he says something dumb like this, he goes backstage and laughs at the people who eat it up. I think it’s a big experiment.

      I’m waiting for the day that it all comes out as a big hoax. Like he’s a comic genius that has just been pulling this whole thing off right in front of our eyes.

    9. trump promises financial collapse and depression – because everything that he does turns to shit!

    10. CompleteSherbert885 on

      Uhhhh, that’s not what he intended to come out of his mouth, right? Won’t this play well tonight on all social & regular media! Then tomorrow JD Vance or RFK, Jr will say something vile, stupid, or alarming to deflect from this comment lingering/festering around for days.

    11. cascadianindy66 on

      Trump’s greatest tax plan, circa 2017: give everyone making under 75k a tax increase every two years till 2027 to pay for his signature transfer of wealth to the 1% and corporate personhoods. Dude is a total sham and sleaze bucket.

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