Cricket player gets hit on his balls twice in the same game!

    by Additional_Froyo3970


    1. “I can’t believe it, the trainer has him lying on his back and is massaging him where the ball struck him. He’s bringing out the lotion from the first aid bag!!”

    2. Anyone thinking this guy WASN’T wearing a box has no clue how hard a cricket ball is and how fast they are bowled.

    3. I’ve had a vasectomy and I got a better chance of getting a woman pregnant than this guy 🤣

    4. Server-side_Gabriel on

      TIL people have the same misconception about gun silencers and protective cups.

      Gun silencers don’t make a gun fully silent, they REDUCE the noise.

      Protective cups don’t suddenly make you inmune to pain, if you get hit hard enough in the cup, you might not get permanent damage and not need a trip to the hospital but it is gonna still hurt a shit ton. Same goes for other protective equipment, if you get shot using a bulletproof jacket you much still get a few broken ribs and a nasty hematoma, it’s not gonna kill you, but still gonna hurt.

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