Such a great asset

    by Mr__O__


    1. ParticularAd8919 on

      The arguments for NATO or American expansion provoking Putin’s Russia to invade, conquer, kill, maim, and devastate its neighbors are the geopolitical equivalent of “Why did you make me hit you??” from a domestic abuser gaslighting their victim.

    2. Illustrious-Roll7737 on

      Can someone put Gramps away until after the holidays? Just lock him in a closet and tell him the real 2020 election results and Obama’s birth certificate were hidden there by a cat-eating immigrant and a windmill with a penchant for murdering well-flushing toilets. They are hiding things in there at a level no one thought was possible.

    3. Congrats MAGAts. Your god-emperor is nothing more than Putin’s puppet. Shame on him and shame on you for supporting him!

    4. Impossible_Ad7875 on

      How is this not the biggest story in the country if not worldwide? US Presidential candidate blames his own country for Russian aggression. I mean what the holy fuck?!!?

    5. Is that because he withheld weapons from Ukraine to support Putin and encourage them to lie about Biden?

    6. The_real_bandito on

      When Kamala said that Trump would bend the knee to Putin and let him conquer Ukraine she was not exaggerating (not in these exact words but the meaning is the same)

    7. He’s lost the plot.

      But then again, it’s likely part of his plan. Pretty sure that Putin has tutored Trump on how to become a dictator. Afterall, Trump did say he was a “great man.” He probably talked about how to spread misinformation, get them on your side and they won’t resist.

      You even see how brain-washed Russians didn’t believe that an invasion of Ukraine ever happened. I remember watching a Russian man who was living in Ukraine talk about how he tried to tell his Dad on the phone how he and his wife and kids had to leave their home, due to the war. His father refused to believe him and thought the son was lying because Putin would never do such a thing. He said then that Ukraine were bombing themselves to blame it on Russia.

      We see that influence now. No matter what Trump does, his supporters stand by him. He could absolutely murder someone tomorrow, and it could be on film with witnesses and they’d still vote for him and say that it was all staged by the Democrats. It’s madness.

    8. itsgottaberealnow on

      Maybe they are the ones that have the Epstein tapes and that is why he jumps every time Putin barks

    9. And the puppy of anyone that will compliment him, even the taliban leaders. Imagine having such a loser as the president of the most powerful country in the world.

    10. Well Bill did talk them into surrendering their nukes. In this world nukes are the only guarantee of sovereignty.

    11. Can we just skip to November already so Trumpy Dumpy can lose this election? I somehow imagine he’s going to create all sorts of drama when he loses.

    12. Well he’s consistent about it. He started out as putins cock holster and he’s still holding that dick.

      That’s a good patsy

    13. Anyone who cannot see that he’s got his head all the way up Putin’s arse is fucking willfully blind

    14. “Yeah, that guy who literally controls all those armies and has made myself to seem like a god to the people he’s ruling over like a dictator totally did nothing wrong with starting a war with Ukraine, killing thousands or millions of people, destroying cities, homes, and lives. All at the command, again of 1 person. But no. He’s innocent.

      It’s all the actions of America. America ordered those soldiers to start the war, they trained those Russian soldiers, made them destroy innocent people’s lives and home. That Putin guy? 100% innocent. He tried to stop them. Hell, big picture I’d blame it on the people who were against the wall. This is what happens with immigrants.

      Now excuse me, I need to go jerk off to pictures of my daughter….i mean have important meetings”

    15. I hate Trump as much as the next non MAGA Kool aid drinker, but did he actually say this? I can’t find it anywhere

    16. Ones a danish newsanchor said, that Putin is a man grown up in KGB, trained to manipulate people, educated to play mind games with his enemies – Meeting Trump wasn’t they hardest day at the office.

    17. He thinks the way kids drive bumber cars; just smash into things, bounce around, smash into something else for fun. Craziness and mayhem with no thought, conscience or consequence. The sheer emotional ride pumps up his unthinking cult. The ride is over kids.

    18. BernieTheDachshund on

      Such a profoundly stupid traitor. He treats our allies like enemies and our enemies like friends. He’s truly unfit to be in any office.

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