This Ought To Make Trump Freak Out: Judge Rules in Favor of Jack Smilth’s Comprehensive Brief in Election Subversion Trial (link to ruling in comments)

    by WoofWoofster


    1. Any links to news that the judge approved this motion? I can’t find anything.

      ETA: I click on your link but nothing happens

    2. deliverusfromeva on

      Is this the Universe’s way of balancing the scales for James Comey holding a press conference to announce that he was reopening the BUTTEREMAILZZZ investigation …days before the 2016 election?

    3. We have a “UNITED STATES V TRUMP” case, and Trump is running for FUCKING President of the country that is prosecuting him. I mean what in the ACTUAL FUCK

    4. Ya and then the Supreme Court is going to retroactively change the rules again in 2 years so he has to file again.

    5. This is what should’ve been done when Judge Cannon dismissed the Top Secret Documents Case.

      Smith is holding bombshell evidence and since Trump owns the FL court then let it out to the public so we can see it’s more than just a funny meme about documents in a bathroom.

    6. So this will ultimately just get delayed until after the election and if he wins it will also just go away?

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