If they can turn the people in the bible into white people, no reason why they can’t be black or Asian either.

    by alexaclova


    1. KleshawnMontegue on

      Most Black Americans that I know have the Black Jesus up, right next to their photo of Obama. Someone could make a killing selling the sets.

    2. Many people say that God was created in the image of man. I can definitely see portraying Christian images in a way that represents one’s own perception and culture, as an individual’s relationship to a higher power.

      Definitely doesn’t look like Kenny Loggins or Prince Valiant like from childhood Sunday school 😆

    3. I love the old school Catholic Jesus who is a baby body with a six pack and adult face. The 1200-1400 before perspective was discovered in European art was peak art.

    4. CallandResponsible on

      Then by the same logic we can’t blame white people for them doing it. Jesus was most likely MiddleEastern brown. Not white, not Black. Black people got Black J everywhere too.

    5. The same people that are okay with white jesus are fighting against black ariel or any other fictional character that differs from what they first saw.

    6. Doesn’t matter what race you make them, they’ll still only be as real as they were before.

    7. I don’t get it? Black Jesus has been a thing since forever. I don’t know of any race that has practicing Christians that didn’t create depictions of Jesus in their race.

    8. mister_windupbird on

      Y’all ever been to the Long Beach Roscoe’s? I’ve been around black Jesus my whole life.

    9. Ambitious-Pirate-505 on

      Or…..now hear me out…..don’t take on the religion of the people who, checks notes, raped, enslaved and lynched you in the name of said religion.

    10. In my hometown they have an annual nativity scene exhibit where they have nativity scenes from all around the world and you get to see them in different art styles and different materials. That’s where I first saw Mary and Joseph wearing kimono with baby jesus.

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