Mapping The Houthis Rise to Global Relevance: A Web of Events Built from 74 News Reports [OC]

    by boundless-discovery


    1. boundless-discovery on

      You can read the full breakdown here:
      Used Palantir foundry and our own webscraping tools.

    2. Cool stuff! Have you tried adding a timeline here? I have a similar idea in mind, using LLMs to extract connections from news articles. However, an important part is clearly visualizing how events evolve over time. You would need to create a node for each date, add an edge to the next date, and connect all events to their corresponding dates.

      I’m still learning graph visualization, but I hope to be able to do it myself soon. I’m concerned that the resulting visualization might be cluttered. Have you tried something similar? A crucial aspect is ensuring rigid rendering for days to represent a horizontal timeline.

      For this graph, it might make sense to use months as the time dimension. It’s quite challenging to keep it readable with more connections, but I think a time perspective could add a lot of value to many knowledge graphs

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