Ah, the inbreds…

    by Kush_1344


    1. TheMadTargaryen on

      Can we please stop making fun of Charles II and repeat myths about him ? Charles II was deformed and sickly due to his extremely narrow genetic pool, and he seems to have had learning disabilities as a child, but he participated in his councils and spoke regularly with foreign envoys, who would have not let us hear the end of it had him been an imbecile. Part of the impression might come from the fact that he *was* very weak-willed and depressive, which only came from him being perfectly aware of his difficult predicament for all of his life, which forced him to rely on royal ministers and advisors. The biggest irony is that his reign wasn’t even bad in the first place; while Spain was basically in ruins, this was all his predecessors’ work, and in fact Charles and his ministers, which he handpicked quite well, managed to refloat it to the point that when his successor Philip V arrived in Spain, he found a country almost ready to follow France to war against all of Europe without collapsing. The legend of him being a freak and disgrace was initiated by Philip’s dynasty, who of course wanted to paint the previous one as a cadre of creepy madmen in order to make themselves look like the saviors of the nation.

    2. When you’re five kings deep into a game of CK3 and your heir is a hunchbacked dwarf with a stutter

    3. Stop chaming my man Charles II, even with his many, many, many problems he managed to actually rule competently and fix some of Spain troubles, it’s not his fault that he was completely uncapable of having a child.

    4. If I remember, this is a repost as I have seen this meme here before, a long time ago. It’s been so long, though, so I assume it is OK

    5. That’s interesting,I’ve never seen incest portrayed as anything but disgustingly comical in the US

    6. That’s ***one*** example of incest in history.

      If you want another, look up Cleopatra’s family ladder. It’s worse than the Habsburgs. And yet, from all accounts, she was healthy and attractive.

      It’s a lottery, sometimes you lose, sometimes you don’t.

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