Pretty Privilege

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. Evening_Break_3825 on

      Idk why it reminds me of those “He’s so hot, he didn’t do it” tiktok vids of legit serial killers for some reason, like idk why that was my first thought

    2. You need to see the black swan, they have such bright red beaks, they get no pr tho…. i wonder why

    3. Not as bad as geese though. I’ll be minding my own business and a goose come out of nowhere hissing at me like a criminal. Got me at the park with my head on a swivel

    4. Friendly-Ice4288 on

      I got chased on a run once by a goose and a swan…I stg they even has some baby ducks with them. Idk wtf they were doing but they got pissed at my presence.

    5. Large, territorial birds are what happens when the dinosaurs don’t actually ALL die off. 🙂

    6. There’s nothing evil about a Swan. They’re just doing what they need to to survive. Only fools mess with swans, and they only do it once.

    7. Listen I’m not the toughest person out there but are these bird protected or something? Swans, Geese, Canadian Geese, the ducks that roam? Is there some reason people don’t just grab them by their necks and swing them like prime Shohei Ohtani? I understand some of them are large but come on. Fight back. Punt some of these glorified chickens.

      Theres a running joke about black people wanting to have a run in with a karen. I want to run into one of these ducks, especially if they attack. I want to find out how evil they are.

    8. Impressive_Main5160 on

      These things would just straight attack people at the duck pond near me. You thought you were feeding cute ducks and now you are running for your life from a pair of 70lb birds.

    9. MomsSpecialFriend on

      There’s a roadside zoo by my house (it’s actually nice, more Doc Antle than Tiger King) and there is a breeding pair of swans in a very large pond by themselves with a fence that would hold in a T-Rex, and the male will come clear across the entire pond to come chase you as you walk along the path near the fence line in one corner. Mad as hell too.

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