I am confused by this manga

    by Minty11551


    1. Romulus_FirePants on

      It’s called being an abusive brat who doesn’t know how to handle her feelings towards a doormat MC

    2. Yandere couldn’t be more inaccurate
      Tsunderes she is fine tht
      But yandere is completely different
      So the needle shouldn’t be in middle

      She just. A tsunderes gal? I guess

    3. What’s confusing about it? She’s a typical tsundere who’s also trying to make him more brave, and he’s an introverted nerd who’s slowly learning to be more assertive. Basic rom-com shit.

    4. She’s not a yandere. At the end of the early manga chapters (even the first ones) we see Nagatoro questioning herself if she went too far on Senpai.

      So she’s more of a tsundere, of the two options.

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