America students don’t need education

    by red_inked


    1. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Now, tbf, what removing the department of education when mentioned here isn’t like a complete removal of schools, but rather a shifting of properties that would be a brand new system thus getting rid of it, much the same way people say when they say abolish the police.

      However, most calls for removing the education department kind of fucks over lower class citizens so, not really for that.

    2. violetascension on

      imho, the only point to any of this is to create so much domestic conflict/chaos that foreign governments no longer have to worry about a well-organized US hegemony. the american century is dead in the ground and what comes next is hard to predict.

    3. That has never been what removing the department of education means. It’s means there would be no federal control over schools.

      As in, back to states rights to teach whatever shit they want. It’s bad enough but let’s not make shit up

    4. Fragrant_Comparison3 on

      This ties into his homeschooling tax credits to appease his religious “in-doc-Truh-nay-shun” crowd.

      This is not about states rights, this is about repressing future generations of the children of current religious conservatives, making sure they’re undereducated, poor, and dependent on their leader.

    5. Uh, we knew this, the shutdown of the DoE is detailed in Project 2025, which Trump said will “lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do”.

      Nobody should be surprised by this.

    6. Admirable_Nothing on

      The Republican base is largely made up of the uneducated and the ignorant so this is a feature not a bug of Project 2025.

    7. He wants to move education to the states so that Kentucky can remain ignorant. Except for the rich white folks that can afford private schools

    8. Nothing new. Republicans have wanted to cut federal funding for education since Carter started the DoE. Reagan…. again with Reagan! …. Responsible for calling for the department to be abolished.

    9. To the people supporting this. Trump does not want to make education better. He wants to make it where his private school owning donors make more money while making the population less able to critically think.


      Like dose anyone remember Betsy DeVos???

      Her husband was the CEO of amway and her brother co founded Blackwater, yeah, THAT blackwater.

      She hadn’t worked in government in 10 years and had zero experience in the education sector.

      So clearly we should make her the head of the education department. Why? She was also apart of some Christian reform bullshit that wanted to see less public schools and more private Christian schools instead.

      They tried to destroy it. As hard as they could.

    11. I have some “vote by party” family members who are pretty much out of the news cycle when it comes to politics. They don’t research and just vote on the notion that republicans are better for the economy by default – these family members aren’t hateful, just ignorant. January 6th was the only thing that I ever saw make them waiver in their beliefs, but the Tucker Carlson talking points somehow made it to them and resulted in a “we’ll never really know what happened” scapegoat verdict.

      Usually I stay silent with them when it comes to politics, but I am going to bring this up: they all have children who go to public schools and they do not have the financial means to pay for private schools. What are they going to tell their children when school is no longer an option because of the man they voted into office?

      Say what you will about these family members of mine, but they do value family first, and I’m hopeful that this may be the thing that actually makes them look into who they’re voting for.

    12. If you think about it he actually did shut it down when he put Betsy Davos at the helm. Thankfully Biden put at end to that really quick.

    13. “Stunning” to who?

      This was part of the Tea Party bullshit in 2008, it was a keypoint in P2025.

      Why are we shocked at all? Trump did a dry run of this with his last DoED Sec who did nothing while she was in office.

    14. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Well sure, he doesn’t have one. His old man just paid for his, he may as well have graduated from “Bovine University” or “Trump University” I’m a fucking idiot and I’m still smarter is than this moron, except I didn’t get 400 million 5 fucking decades ago from my old man. Shit all I got was history of prostate cancer.

    15. This post makes a great bookend to the post from yesterday of Ænol Musk’s tweet where he’s crybabying about why there are so many liberal or leftist college professors compared to conservative ones.

    16. chameleon_123_777 on

      Home schooling forever.
      MAGA wants everybody to be as thick as two short planks.


    17. nothxnotinterested on

      This is why they don’t care about school shootings. They want to completely decimate public schooling so they’re Christian buddies who run private schools have the only decent option in town, but you can’t be poor and go there (unless they do credit system fairly which won’t happen) so they let public schools rip themselves apart and defund and be shot up whenever they can it actually furthers their agenda

    18. KingNarwhalTheFirst on

      As far as I’m aware he and other republicans are trying to force people to go to (Christian) private schools

    19. mypoliticalvoice on

      Trump and his cronies aren’t calling for getting rid of public education – they’re calling for getting rid of the *federal* department of education.

      Fiscal conservatives claim this will save money by reducing the number of federal departments. This is nonsense, because the law already requires certain grants and support to states (especially poor states) and all that will happen is that those duties will be passed to different departments.

      Religious Republicans see this as a way to remove federal educational standards that protect minorities, require girls sports funding, and teach science that conflicts with their religion. This is the real motivation.

    20. Tiny_Independent2552 on

      If you keep people uneducated, they are easier to control.
      Why do you think they do not allow women to be educated in other countries ?
      Don’t let the republicans ruin your children’s future. This is insanity.

    21. Worried-Pick4848 on

      This is literally a platform in that whole project 2025 thing he swears he doesn’t know about.

    22. Trump: “I don’t know anything about Project 2025”. Pretty much verbatim, *Mandate for Leadership*, CH 11 Pg 319, first sentence.

    23. Tight_Glass7723 on

      The uneducated vote overwhelmingly republican. Shut down making it easier to get educations, and now you have more republican votes.

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